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Porträtt David Brehm Sausdal. Foto: Johan Persson.

David Sausdal

Docent | Biträdande universitetslektor

Porträtt David Brehm Sausdal. Foto: Johan Persson.

A cult(ure) of intelligence-led policing : On the international campaigning and convictions of Danish policing


  • David Sausdal


  • Mikkel Jarle Christensen
  • Kjersti Lohne
  • Magnus Hörnqvist

Summary, in English

This chapter neither seeks to deny nor diminish the potential of ILP, nor the Danish Police’s ILP fervor for that matter. The practical ups (and downs) of ILP and similar policing methodologies have already been dissected in many of the publications cited earlier (see also, Egbert and Leese, 2021). Rather, this chapter takes a second look at the convictions that underpins ILP work and the Danish police’s international promotion of it. As the more than 45 interviews I have con- ducted and the approximately 1,000 hours I have spent observing various Danish police officers involved in transnational policing activities have suggested to me, ILP is undeniably passionately promoted as a hallmark of Danish policing. However, paradoxically, this is not the same as ILP being properly understood by its many zealous Danish marketers. Rather, ILP often seems to be something that many in the Danish police have learned to speak of as a particular and marketable entity of Danish policing, yet with very few in the Danish police actually knowing much about its inner workings. In many ways, the Danish police’s appreciation and advertising of ILP thereby seems closer to that of a religious belief than that of a fully-developed and vendible work culture.


  • Sociologiska institutionen








Nordic Criminal Justice in a Global World : Practices and Promotions of Exceptionalism


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  • Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)




  • ISBN: 9781003195504