Our department's three divisions

New year, new department

Petra Östergren has defended her thesis on the Swedish Sex Purchase Act

Staffan Edling has defended his thesis on LO's investigative work

Uzma Kazi is a Doctor of Sociology after defending her thesis

Daniel Karlsson is a Doctor of Sociology after defending his thesis on digital freelancers

Find An Expert
For journalists and others looking for an academic to provide an expert comment or background on a story. Sociology and social anthropology can be applied in many ways to analyse society.
Research on society and culture
How does everyday life change when traditional standards, ways of learning and institutions are dissolved and replaced? How do people create meaning, knowledge and order in a society where large groups of people are unable to live up to society's expectations? Our researchers at the Department of Sociology try to answer questions like these daily.

Our latest publications
The Department of Sociology's latest publications in the Lund University research portal.
Study with us

We offer a wide variety of courses in Sociology, Social Anthropology and Gender Studies from bachelor to masters level. The courses vary in length from 15 up to 30 credits.
Last application for autumn courses is mid April. For our spring courses you need to apply by mid October. Find specific dates by course info.

Study guidance
Contact our Study Advisers when you need guidance and information. About courses and programmes, planning your studies or choosing your career path.

Degree programmes
Our international Master's programmes include Cultural Criminology, Sociology and Social Anthropology.
Apply for our international master's programmes by the middle of January!