Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Negotiating about Algorithms: Social Partner Responses to AI in Denmark and Sweden
Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larsen, Christopher Mathieu, Bertil Rolandsson
(2024) ILR Review, 77 p.856-868
Journal articleDigital disruption diversified : FinTechs and the emergence of a coopetitive market ecosystem
Bengt Larsson, Bertil Rolandsson, Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larsen, Alex Lehr, et al.
(2024) Socio-Economic Review, 22 p.655-675
Journal articleTrust and stakeholder perspectives on the implementation of AI tools in clinical radiology
Magnus Bergquist, Bertil Rolandsson, Emilia Gryska, Mats Laesser, Nickoleta Hoefling, et al.
(2024) European Radiology, 34 p.338-347
Journal articleSocial Dialogue in Times of Crises. : Introduction to the Special Issue
Bertil Rolandsson, Anna Ilsøe
(2023) Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 13 p.1-5
Journal articleResponsive professionalism in post-NPM reforms: the case of the Swedish police
Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Culture and Organization, 28 p.97-114
Journal articleThe sensitive nature of facial recognition : Tensions between the Swedish police and regulatory authorities
Marie Eneman, Jan Ljungberg, Elena Raviola, Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Information Polity, 27 p.219-232
Journal articleExploring ADM in Clinical Decision-Making - Healthcare experts encountering digital automation
Magnus Bergquist, Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Everyday Automation - Experiencing and Anticipating Emerging Technologies
Book chapterSwedish police reform and the emergence of new police subjectivities
Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Transforming Subjectivities : Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times
Book chapterEtt digitalt arbetsliv - fyra perspektiv
Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Den sköna nya värld - Arbetsliv och arbetsmarknad i digitaliseringens tid
Book chapterOlder adults' provision of informal care and support to their peers : A cornerstone of swedish society: Demographic characteristics and experiences of social isolation
Elin Siira, Patricia Olaya-Contreras, Signe Yndigegn, Helle Wijk, Bertil Rolandsson, et al.
(2022) Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Journal articleThe digital transformation of financial services markets and industrial relations : Exploring FinTech development in Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands and Sweden
(2022) Working papers – Department of Sociology and Work Science, 2022
Conference publicationThe digital transformation of financial services and labour relations in the FinTech sector - Summary report
Bertil Rolandsson, Bengt Larsson