The Gender Studies Seminar Series presents: Sara Philipson Isaac

The Division of Gender Studies welcomes Sara Philipson Isaac, Postdoctoral researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics, to the first seminar of 2025 in the Gender Studies Seminar Series.
The Weaponization of Time:
Legal Liminality and the Reproduction of Disposable Lives in Sweden’s Migration System
Sara Philipson Isaac, Postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Sustainability Research, Stockholm School of Economics
This presentation draws on my dissertation, Temporal Dispossession: The Politics of Asylum and the Remaking of Racial Capitalism in and Beyond the Borders of the Swedish Welfare State.
The thesis delves into the transformation of Swedish asylum legislation post-2015, marking a shift towards temporary residence permits as the new norm and intertwining migration policies with labour market dynamics. Through a lens of temporal dispossession and racial capitalism, it examines how dispossession operates in and through the border regime and, more specifically, through time, and how the latter is weaponized to dispossess people of their life chances. Drawing on a denationalist approach, the thesis explores how temporal dispossession affects citizens and non-citizens alike, highlighting migrants as subjected to the sharpest end of temporal control.
Drawing from four years of ethnographic engagements with people who sought asylum in Sweden after 2015, it scrutinizes the temporal governance of migration bureaucracy, the dynamics within asylum camps and enforcement archipelagos, and the temporal dispossession in and through the labour market. Ultimately, the thesis contributes to understanding how border regimes sustain racial capitalism and exacerbate labour market exploitation through the operation of legal liminality and deportability.
The Seminar Series
The Gender Studies Seminar Series invites researchers to share their insight on key issues for gendered and sexualized lives and knowledges, and to engage in critical discussions about the development of gender studies as an interdisciplinary and intersectional research field. Bringing together scholars from various research fields and theoretical traditions, this seminar series offers a platform for critical reflexions and new insights.
About the event
Gamla lungkliniken (House G), Room 335
mia [dot] liinason [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se