Professor emeritus
Social anthropology
- Theory of Anthropology
- Visual Anthropology
- Shamanism and Anthropology of Religion
Professor emeritus at the Department of Social Anthropology at Lund University in Sweden as well as associate professor of comparative religion at the Turku University in Finland.
A substantial part of my research has been carried out in collaboration or with assistance from scholars in history, archaeology, ethnology, sociology, and art, as well as with museum curators. My doctoral thesis presented the life and career of the ethnographer (and pioneering anthropologist) Erland Nordenskiöld is in the field of the history of anthropology. While the focus is on the history of ideas, I have in the thesis as well as in various essays and articles preferred the biographical method which traces the formation and transformation of ideas through their transmissions in the social networks of the scholarly community.
The “Swedish” and the “Nordic School” of anthropology has also been analyzed in a number of articles dealing with important scholars such as Nordenskiöld, Walter Kaudern, Rafael Karsten, and Edward Westermarck. Other prominent anthropologists that figured in my writings concerning the history of anthropology are Lewis Henry Morgan, James G. Frazer, Franz Boas, Paul Radin, Marcel Mauss, and Claude Lévi-Strauss, thus reflecting my particular interest in American, French, and British anthropology and dealing with both historical and a-historical traditions in anthropology.
The importance of American anthropology for the development of the discipline is as well an important background for my interest in Native American cultures. Den Gode och den Onde Vilden (“The Noble and Ignoble Savage”) is a book dealing with the historical importance of the European encounter with the New World as focal point for the development of discourses about noble and ignoble savages, while I Lönnlövets Skuga (“In the Shadow of the Maple Leaf”) by contrast deals with contemporary issues in the relationship between the Canadian nation state and its indigenous peoples.
Perhaps closest to mainstream trends in social anthropology is my interest in popular culture as reflected in a book on Bob Marley and an essay offering a structural analysis of Clint Estwood's "High Plains Drifter." As some of my other writings, the book on Marley is geared to a broader market, but it is anthropologically informed and places the musician's reggae music in the context of world music. In addition to my writings I work with photography – teaching visual anthropology, having exhibits in Malmö and Lund, and publishing a number of photo books including Parisian serenade (2009) and The Green Heart (2012).
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
New York's Raven : A Photographic Homage to Lou Reed and Kindred Souls
Christer Lindberg
BookFrench-Swedish-American Crossroads : Alfred Métraux, Erland Nordenskiöld, and the Gothenburg School of Ethnography
Christer Lindberg
(2016) Anthropos: Internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde, 111 p.214-224
Journal articleDet förflutnas framtid
Christer Lindberg
(2015) Etnografi på museum: Visioner og udfordringer for etnografiske museer i Norden , p.73-96
Book chapterEdvard Alexander Westermarck
Christer Lindberg
(2015) Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality , p.1431-1444
Article in encyclopediaAmerindian Warfare and Symbolism in the Light of the Iconography of Ancient Peruvian Textiles
Christer Lindberg
(2013) Rethinking Warfare: Conference Preceedings
Conference paperThe Noble and Ignoble Savage
Christer Lindberg
(2013) Ethnoscripts, Jahrgang 15 p.16-32
Journal articleEn afton med Bob Marley i Köpenhamn
Christer Lindberg
(2013) Inte bara samba och reggae: Den latinamerikanska musikkontinenten , p.244-262
Book chapterDet gröna hjärtat: Bilder från Lunds universitets Botaniska trädgård
Thomas Malm, Christer Lindberg
Book6.20.41.Evolution of Anthropology
Christer Lindberg
(2012) Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)., http://www.eolss.net/ebooklib/
Article in encyclopediaSamhället som tanke: Claude Lévi-Strauss och den franska strukturalismen
Christer Lindberg
BookLodjurets historia – om tema och variation i de nordamerikanska indianernas religioner
Christer Lindberg
(2008) Jordens Folk, 43 p.10-17
Journal articleAnthropology on the Periphery: The Early Schools of Nordic Anthropology
Christer Lindberg
(2008) A New History of Anthropology
Book chapterAnna Grimshaw and Amanda Ravetz (eds). 2005. Visualizing Anthropology: Experimenting with Image-Based Ethnography
Christer Lindberg
(2007) Anthropological Theory, 7
ReviewIn Memoriam: Åke Hultkrantz (1920-2006)
Christer Lindberg, Jan-Åke Alvarsson
(2006) Acta Americana, 14
Journal articleA Swedish Ethnographer in Sulawesi: Walter Kaudern
Christer Lindberg
(2006) Histories of Anthropology Annual, 2
Book chapterÅke Hultkrantz (1920-2006)
Christer Lindberg
(2006) European Review of Native American Studies, 20
Journal articleA Swedish Ethnographer in Sulawesi: Walter Kaudern
Christer Lindberg
(2006) Histories of Anthropology Annual, 2
Journal articleNya antropologiska porträtt
(2005) Lund Monographs in Social Science, 15
BookReview: Coming to Shore: Northwest Coast Ethnology, Traditions, and Visions
Christer Lindberg
(2005) Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 91
ReviewGeorge Catlin’s Account(s) of the O-kee-pa in Concordance with other Sources
Christer Lindberg
(2004) The Challenges of Native American Studies: Essays in Celebration of the Twenty-Fifth American Indian Workshop
Book chapterOtto Nordenskjöld
Christer Lindberg
(2004) Antarctic Challenges: Historical and Current Perspectives on Otto Nordenskjöld’s Antarctic Expedition 1901-1903
Book chapterThe Bureau of American Ethnology
Christer Lindberg
(2003) European Review of Native American Studies, 17
Journal articleRelocation of Indian Tribes in the Name of God and Progress – An Overview
Christer Lindberg
(2003) Acta Americana, 11
Journal articleThe Last Battles Between Blackfeet and Shoshone as Remembered by Shoshone and Trappers
Christer Lindberg, Åke Hultkrantz
(2003) The People of the Buffalo. Vol 1. The Plains Indians of North America. Military Art, Warfare and Change: Essays in Honor of John C. Ewers
Book chapterErland Nordenskiöld i YMER
Christer Lindberg
(2003) Det bergiga Balkan - konflikternas halvö, 123
Book chapterWilliam S. E. Coleman: Voices of Wounded Knee
Christer Lindberg
(2002) Great Plains Quarterly, 22 p.61-62
ReviewDas buch der schamanen: Nord- und SüdAmerika
Michael Ripinsky-Naxon, Åke Hultkrantz, Christer Lindberg
BookOuvertyr: En civlisationskritikers liv och verk
Christer Lindberg
(2000) Spillror av paradiset , p.1-35
Book chapterErland Nordenskiöld - ett indianlif
Christer Lindberg
(1996) Kungliga Vitterhetsakademiens serie Svenska Lärde
BookAntropologiska porträtt
BookThe Pioneers: The Rise of American Anthropology.
Christer Lindberg
(1992) Research Reports From the Department of Sociology, Lund University