Linn Alenius Wallin
Doctoral student

Intergenerational Care in Corona times. : A Study of Relationships, Commitments, and Practices of Care in Swedish Families during a Pandemic
Summary, in English
This paper analyses the effects of the corona situation on intergenerational care relations, focusing how care is done, understood and negotiated (Morgan, 2011; Mason, 1996) between elderly parents and their adult children and grandchildren. Of special interest is the effects of forced separation on relationships regarding practical care arrangements, emotional support and commitments. Our point of departure is a study where data (biographical interviews, diary interviews, lifelines, drawing exercises with grandchildren) from grandparents, adult children and grandchildren has been gathered. So far, 45 individuals have been interviewed, several in repeated encounters, before and during the pandemic.
- Gender Studies
- Department of Sociology
- Sociology
Publishing year
Document type
Conference paper: abstract
- Social Work
Conference name
ESA 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association: Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures
Conference date
2021-08-31 - 2021-09-03
Conference place
Barcelona, Spain
- Intergenerational care in Sweden. A study of relationships, commitments, and practices of care in everyday family life.