Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender
Advanced level. 120 credits. Start: Autumn.
Choose your major: social anthropology or sociology.
The Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender is an interdisciplinary social science master's programme which aims to provide you with the core elements through which current feminist theories, in dialogue with established academic disciplines, have contributed to the understanding of broader social processes.
We want to improve your ability to critically examine, evaluate and discuss the field’s most important theoretical perspectives and research results. With these skills you will be able to formulate and analyse interconnections between theory and practice concerning gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality.
As a programme student, you will acquire a critical social science approach which will prepare you for postgraduate studies as well as professional work in a variety of fields: health, organisational management, development, communication, social policy among others.
Learn more about the programme at Graduate School's website
Entry requirements and how to apply
Entry requirements and how to apply to the Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender on the Lund University central website
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