BROWN BAG SEMINAR - Migrant women in the Swedish labour market: What can we learn from the experiences of Ukrainians and Syrians?

Dalia Abdelhady, Svitlana Babenko (MAU), Nahikari Irastorza (MAU)
Migrant women in the Swedish labour market: What can we learn from the experiences of Ukrainians and Syrians?
- Time: 12:05-13:00
- Place: Room G 335
The Brown Bag Seminar Series
Tuesdays at 12:05-13:00
The department's lunch seminar series is an informal arena for our own researcher's to present and discuss research ideas and findings. Each presenter talks for about half an hour, followed by a discusson. Feel free to bring your lunch!
Please note: Places at the seminar are limited.
We especially invite staff and master's students of the Department of Sociology. If you are not a student or member of staff and would like to attend the event please email Charalambos Demetriou (charalambos [dot] demetriou [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se) no later than 48 hours before the start of the seminar to inquire about available places.
More Brown Bag Seminars at the Department of Sociology on:
Om evenemanget
The Department of Sociology, Gamla lungkliniken (House G), Room 335
christofer [dot] edling [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se