Doctoral defence in Sociology: Uzma Kazi
The public defence of Uzma Kazi’s doctoral thesis in sociology, "Swedish-Par(Desi). Belonging Narratives of Second-Generation Pakistani Muslims in Sweden" will take place on 22 November in the Auditorium at the School of Social Work in Lund (Socialhögskolans hörsal, Sh128).
- Dr Tahseen Shams, Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
Doctoral committee members:
- Professor Fataneh Farahani, Department of Ethnology, History of Religion and Gender Studies, Stockholm University
- Professor Catarina Kinnvall, Department of POlitical Science, Lund University
- Professor David Wästerfors, Department of Sociology, Lund University
Christofer Edling (Lund University), Erika Willander (Umeå University)
Om evenemanget
Auditorium (Room Sh128) The School of Social Work, Lund University
christofer [dot] edling [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se