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Porträtt Sara Eldén. Foto: Emma Lord.

Sara Eldén

Docent | Universitetslektor

Porträtt Sara Eldén. Foto: Emma Lord.

Nanny care in Sweden : Inequalities of everyday doings of care


  • Sara Eldén
  • Terese Anving

Summary, in English

A new actor has been (re)introduced into family practices in Sweden: the nanny. Previous ways of organizing care for children (mainly through publicly funded daycare) are today being complemented by a growing private market for childcare, often performed by migrant women. In our research project Care for children in an era of private market service we study the practice of doing care and family in families who hire nannies and au pairs. In this paper we analyze the small-scale everyday doings and negotiations of care by the involved parties (nannies/au pairs, parents and children). There is, we argue, a tension between the parents ‘orchestrating’ of the caring practice and their expectations on the character of the caring relationship between the nanny and child, and the actual practice of care that the nanny and the child are engaged in, and the specific relationship that develops through this. Parents ‘orchestration’ further resonates with ‘intensive parenting’ ideals and present neoliberal discourses of families ‘right to choose’, something that the last decade’s political reforms has enabled, for those who can afford it. Thus, new forms of class, gender and ethnified inequalities are built into the very core of care practices, we argue.


  • Sociologi






Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)

Conference name


Conference date

2018-03-09 - 2018-03-11

Conference place

Lund, Sweden




  • Care for children in an era of private market services: A study of nannies, children and parents