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Finansiering för forskningsmiljöer

Instructions for use of funding for the research environments 2022

The Department of Sociology makes 20k SEK available for each of our research environments during

This can be used for:

  • Travel expenses and accommodation when you invite scholars from other universities in the Nordic countries or the rest of Europe to give a talk, seminar, or collaborate with the environment in other ways.
  • Arranging a mini-conference at the department.

Please note that it is important to be in agreement among the active members of your research
environment – senior and junior ones — about whom to invite, and that the department values
diversity. Please make it a habit to invite the whole department when you have an invited guest who
gives a talk.

Please use one of the following “kostandssträngar” in LUPIN

  • Forsk miljö SSST-253075.21.146271
  • Forsk miljo CCC-253075.21.146930
  • Forsk miljö FAMIW-253075.21.146931
  • Forsk miljö CS-253075.21.146932
  • Forsk miljö antropologi-253075.21.146934

Booking a trip for your guest

When you invite someone from another university as above, this is the ticket routine:

  1. One person in the research environment contacts resor [at] lu [dot] se and asks to be authorised to book trips for others.
  2. Prior to the event, this “host” contacts the invited person to email you the exact roundtrip information (departures & arrivals) that they prefer + full name + email address & mobile phone number. Please note that you should tell your guest to choose to travel by train, if possible.
  3. The host forwards this information to BCD Travel and orders (beställer) this trip at lu [at] bcdtravel [dot] se , or via phone at 08:00-17:00. Call +46 8 505 461 12.
  4. Then BCD Travel books the trip and sends the information/ticket to your guest.

Funding limitations  

Please note that the funding cannot be used for:

  • Honoraria for people whom you invite
  • Financial compensation for tasks done by people in the research environment

Kindly note that if you invite guests for a meal, there must be a balance between external and internal persons. However, in case of only one guest, the department can pay for one guest and two internal persons. Alcohol should be avoided for lunch, but for dinners one glass per person can be reimbursed.

Please also note that all activities, within each research environment, need to be limited to 20k SEK per year.