Associate Professor (Docent) | Senior Lecturer
Main Research and Teaching Areas
- Individualization and Intimacy
- Modernization
- Social Theory
- Economic Sociology
- Urban Sociology
- Research Design
- Mixed and Multiple Methods
- Philosophy of Science
- Anomie
- Loneliness
- Computational Methods/ Computational Social Sciences
My previous academic appointments were with the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and the University of Bremen in Germany. I wrote my dissertation in sociology with the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences. Publications out of this include articles, chapters, and my book, The Capitalist Personality: Face-to-Face Sociality and Economic Change in the Post-Communist World. Overall my work focuses on the connection between intimacy and normative order, and I have published on themes close to family sociology, anomie, the commodification of sex, post-socialism, and the life course. My current main research endeavor is a multi-method investigation of loneliness in modern societies. I am a member of the Teaching Academy of the Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences. Currently, I serve as the Programme Director of the Social Scientific Data Analysis master programme.
Local Research Environments: Family, Migration and Welfare
Media Enquiries: modern values, individualism, loneliness, social change
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
The Loneliest Nation in Europe? : Ireland as a Case Study, and Implications for Policy
Joanna McHugh Power, Christopher Swader
ReportSocial Infrastructure and the Alleviation of Loneliness in Europe
Christopher Swader, Andreea-Valentina Moraru
(2023) Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Journal articlePost-socialist moral economies of consumption as socially embedded sites of moral tension
Christopher Swader, Sandy Ross
(2019) Journal of Consumer Culture
Journal articleLoneliness in Europe: Personal and Societal Individualism-Collectivism and Their Connection to Social Isolation
Christopher Swader
(2019) Social Forces, 97 p.1307-1336
Journal articleModernization, formal social control, and anomie: A 45-society multilevel analysis
Christopher Swader
(2017) International Journal of Comparative Sociology , p.494-514
Journal articleFraudulent Values. Materialistic Bosses and the Support for Bribery and Tax Evasion
Christopher Swader
(2016) Neoliberalism and the Moral Economy of Fraud , p.214-228
Book chapterReceiving Gifts for Sex in Moscow, Kyiv, and Minsk: A Compensated Dating Survey
Christopher Swader, Irina D. Vorobeva
(2015) Sexuality & Culture
Journal articlePost-Soviet Intimacies: An Introduction
Christopher Swader, Vaida Obelene
(2015) Sexuality & Culture, 19 p.245-255
Journal articleThe Capitalist Personality: Face-to-Face Sociality and Economic Change in the Post-Communist World
Christopher Swader
(2013) Routledge Advances in Sociology
BookLove as a Fictitious Commodity: Gift-for-Sex Barters as Contractual Carriers of Intimacy
Christopher Swader, Olga Strelkova, Alyona Sutormina, Victoria Syomina, Volha Vysotskaya, et al.
(2013) Sexuality & Culture, 17 p.598-616
Journal articleLinking Normlessness and Value Change in the Post-Communist World
Christopher Swader
(2011) Studia Sociologia, 56 p.63-94
Journal articleOn Family, Work, Money, and Morals: Intergenerational Value Differences in China
Christopher Swader, Hao Yuan
(2010) Chinese Journal of Sociology, 30 p.118-142
Journal articleInequality, Markets, and the Life Course
Christopher Swader
(2009) The Life Course Reader
Book chapterIntimate Social Values and Economic Transformation: An Interpretation of Qualitative Interviews from Russia, China, and Eastern Germany
Christopher Swader
(2009) Intimate Explorations: Readings Across Disciplines
Book chapterGeneral Introduction
Walter R. Heinz, Johannes Huinink, Ansgar Weymann, Christopher Swader
(2009) The Life Course Reader
Book chapterAdaptation as ‘Selling out’? Capitalism and the Commodification of Values in Post- Communist Russia and Eastern Germany
Christopher Swader
(2009) Journal of International Relations and Development, 12 p.387-395
Journal articleTransformation to a Market Economy and Changing Social Values in China, Russia, and Eastern Germany
Christopher Swader
DissertationThe Lost Years: Assessing Family Change in St. Petersburg, Russia, between 1983 and 2003
Christopher Swader
(2007) Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 38 p.317-336
Journal article
Researching the long-term effects of modernization processes on the development of close interpersonal relationships.
Current Projects
- Corona Diaries: An International Study of Personal Accounts of COVID-19 Related Events
- Loneliness and Individualism-Collectivism
- Rethinking the Links Between Philosophy of Science and Methodology
- Individualization and Intimacy: Normative Order and the Face-to-Face Tie