Cultural Space
Focusing on the role of cultural structures in understanding and explaining the interrelation of differences and similarities that express, and make possible, the mobilization of social groups, identities, and hierarchies.
Cultural Space is a research environment that promotes a multidisciplinary and analytically rigorous focus on the cultural dimensions of social life. Our focus is broad, and includes both cultural perspectives on the social generally and studies that center cultural objects and institutions. The core of our environment is a weekly workshop where members and guests present and discuss work in progress, and since our beginnings in 2011 we have built a generative space for the discussion of new work, research methods, and the development of new research projects. Members of Cultural Space have diverse disciplinary, methodological, and theoretical backgrounds and approaches, and we value this intellectual diversity in our work together. The group includes cultural sociologists, social anthropologists, art historians, criminologists, gender theorists, science studies scholars, and organizational sociologists.
Cultural Space began at Lund University in 2011 and has close ties to the Center for Cultural Sociology at Yale University, the cultural sociological research environment at Uppsala University, and the Swedish Sociological Association’s working group on Cultural Sociology.
Cultural Space holds a weekly seminar from 14:15-16 :00 on Fridays.
Contact Erik Hannerz to attend.
erik [dot] hannerz [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se
Related projects
Cultivating Swedish-ness? Urban gardening and social inclusion among people of refugee backgrounds
Philosophy in the Nordic Welfare Society: Comparative Studies
Rewriting the city: graffiti and the subcultural appropriation of space
Social Welfare Assessments: East Asian and Scandinavian Redistribution Models in a Global Context
Brottsutredande medborgare och digital crowdsourcing i civilt spanings- och underrättelsearbete
Researchers in Cultural Space
Ron Eyerman
Colm Flaherty
Alison Gerber, organizing committee
Nina Gren
Erik Hannerz, organizing committee
Carl-Göran Heidegren
Tova Höjdestrand
Magnus Karlsson
Christer Lindberg
Chris Mathieu
Magnus Ring