Social Studies of Science and Technology (SSST)
The research environment Social Studies of Science and Technology (SSST) is a meeting place for researchers interested in the influence of culture, society, and politics on scientific research and technological development – and how science and technology influences culture, politics, and society. The research environment sprang from a bottom-up initiative, a seminar series in the social studies of science, that slowly reshaped and merged with the previous research environment Constructions of Nature. The scope of SSST includes perspectives from the field of science and technology studies (STS) as well as other sociological approaches to understand the relationships between science, technology and society. We welcome everyone from scientific realists to social constructionists for open and non-dogmatic discussions.
We invite both members and guests to give topical presentations in the SSST seminar series at the sociology department. Other activities include journal club meetings and writing workshops in which we share advice and recommendations to improve paper drafts and research applications. Finally, we circulate information about news, talks, calls and other information relevant to all who are interested in social studies of science and technology. We expect participation from members on at least one event per semester.
If you would like to join our mailing list or present your work in the SSST seminar series, please get in touch!
isak [dot] engdahl [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se
Researchers in SSST
Kristoffer Berglund
Anika Binte Habib
Camilo Castilloe
Staffan Edling
Isak Engdahl
Lisa Flower
Alison Gerber, organizing committee
Felicia Hedetoft
Anders Hylmö
Charlotte Högberg
Mikael Klintman, organizing committee
Freja Morris
Shai Mulinari, organizing committee
Tobias Olofsson
Riya Raphael
Jaleh Taheri