Main research
- Sustainable development; social sustainability
- Constructions of nature in society; evolutionary sociology
Current research and teaching
- Competition and collaboration between the human sciences in transdisciplinary projects on problems to environment and health.
- Beyond the market stalls and ivory towers: A study on integrated science for sustainable provision of knowledge (RJ; Project leader: Anna Jonsson).
- Governing Climate Change (Formas; Project leader: Johannes Stripple).
My research interest is on the roles, values and preconditions of people and organizations for making choices that reduce environmental and social harm. Theoretically, I combine social and economic thought (e.g., Veblen, Simmel, and theories of deliberative democracy) with evolutionary theory (e.g., Trivers, Runciman, Haidt). I have worked in the sectors of food, energy, waste, water, ethical mutual funds, transportation, tourism, and chemistry. Currently I try to integrate elements of the social, economic, and evolutionary sciences for understanding human interests concerning environmental and health problems. In parts of the period 2016-2018 I conduct this research at Oxford University.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Knowledge Resistance
Mikael Klintman
(2024) Elgar Encyclopedia of EnvElgar Encyclopedias in Sociology series , p.393-399
Article in encyclopediaApollonian and Dionysian Trust in Vaccination
Mikael Klintman
(2024) Vaccine Hesitancy in the Nordic Countries : Trust and Distrust during the COVID-19 Pandemic , p.21-34
Book chapterHannes Lagerlöf. Conditional progress - Technical rationality & wicked problems in nuclear waste management. Göteborg universitet, 2023. Doktorsavhandling.
Mikael Klintman
(2024) Sociologisk Forskning, 60 p.353-356
ReviewEmbracing the academic–practice gap : Knowledge collaboration and the role of institutional knotting
Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
(2023) Management Learning
Journal articleA speculative conversation on climate change and sociology
Mikael Linnell, Sara Skarp, Lea Fuenfschilling, Mikael Klintman
(2023) Sociologisk Forskning, 60 p.401-410
Journal article (comment)Academia and society in collaborative knowledge production towards urban sustainability : several schemes—three common crossroads
Mikael Klintman, Anna Jonsson, Maria Grafström, Petra Torgilsson
(2022) Environment, Development and Sustainability
Journal articleKnowledge resistance
Mikael Klintman
(2022) Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies , p.323-333
Book chapterUnboxing knowledge in collaboration between academia and society : A story about conceptions and epistemic uncertainty
Anna Jonsson, Maria Grafström, Mikael Klintman
(2022) Science and Public Policy, 49 p.583-597
Journal articleCommunicating access-based business models : Company framings of home furnishings rental
Heather A. Schoonover, Oksana Mont, Mikael Klintman
(2022) Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 4
Journal articleFraming sufficiency : Strategies of environmental non-governmental organisations towards reduced material consumption
Ola Persson, Mikael Klintman
(2022) Journal of Consumer Culture, 22 p.515-533
Journal articleKunskapssamverkan: Mellan elfenbenstorn och marknadstorg
Anna Jonsson, Maria Grafström, Mikael Klintman
(2021) Samhällets långsiktiga kunskapsförsörjning 1-8
BookRisken för ökad polarisering måste tas på allvar
Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Erik J Olsson, Michael Bossetta, Tommy Bruhn, Hanna Bäck, et al.
(2021) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articleThe Practice Approach in Practice: : Lessons for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that work towards sustainable food consumption in Sweden
Vishal Parekh, Mikael Klintman
(2021) Sustainable Production and Consumption, 26 p.480-492
Journal article‘I won the election’ – how powerful people use lousy lies to twist reality
Mikael Klintman
(2020) The Conversation , p.1-3
Journal articleThe role of epistemic signalling in transdisciplinary knowledge production : Examples from the field of sustainable water management
Mikael Klintman, Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson
(2020) Scores rapportserier
ReportAtt nå bortom grupptänkandet – ett konststycke!
Axel Brechensbauer, Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
(2020) Organisation & Samhälle, 2020
Journal articleAtt nå bortom grupptänkandet – ett konststycke!
Axel Brechensbauer, Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
(2020) Organisation & Samhälle, 2020 p.10-14
Journal articleVad är sant i politiken? : Därför är det farligare att byta åsikt än att få corona
Erica Treijs, Mikael Klintman
(2020) Svenska Dagbladet, SvD Kultur
Newspaper articleVi vill vara en del av gruppen
Henrik Höjer, Mikael Klintman
(2020) Forskning & framsteg , p.64-64
Journal articleDärför kan nonsens vara värdefullt : Kunskapsresistens i grupper kan bottna i viljan att passa in
Mikael Klintman
(2020) SANS
Journal articleConspiracy theories and climate denial : How we can understand and combat stubborness to change people’s views
Mikael Klintman
(2020) The Independent
Newspaper articleFrån folkbildning till kunskapsproduktion
Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
(2020) Ledning och (sned-)styrning i högskolan , p.219-242
Book chapterConspiracy theories : How belief is rooted in evolution – not ignorance
Mikael Klintman
(2019) The Conversation
Journal articleFake news and post-truth in electioneering : Getting past the anger stage
Mikael Klintman
Web publicationCan we rely on ‘climate-friendly’ consumption?
Magnus Boström, Mikael Klintman
(2019) Journal of Consumer Culture, 19 p.359-378
Journal articleKunskap mellan elfenbenstorn och marknadstorg
Axel Brechensbauer, Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
(2019) Kampen om kunskap : akademi och praktik , p.1-18
Book chapterKampen om kunskap : Akademi och praktik
Axel Brechensbauer, Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
BookEn kamp bortom torg och torn
Axel Brechensbauer, Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
(2019) Kampen om kunskap : akademi och praktik , p.159-166
Book chapterGruppens grepp : Hur vi flockvarelser kan lära oss leva tillsammans
Mikael Klintman, Thomas Lunderquist, Andreas Olsson
BookToy Consumption as Political : Challenges for Making Dreams Come True
Mikael Klintman
(2018) The Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism
Book chapterMass-consumption as an activator of sustainable consumerist potentials
Magnus Boström, Mikael Klintman
(2018) , p.1-1
Conference paper: abstractMass Consumption and Political Consumerism
Magnus Boström, Mikael Klintman
(2018) The Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism , p.855-875
Book chapterRetail sector facing the challenge of sustainable consumption
Mikael Klintman
(2017) Routledge Handbook on Consumption , p.363-371
Book chapterUniversity-society collaboration on the agenda : The rhetoric of expectations
Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
Conference - otherSamverkan bortom torghandel och elfenbenstorn
Maria Grafström, Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman
(2016) Tidningen Curie , p.1-3
Journal articleHuman Sciences and Human Interests : Integrating the Social, Economic, and Evolutionary Sciences
Mikael Klintman
(2016) Routledge Advances in Sociology
BookSocial Sustainability Requires Social Sustainability: Procedural Prerequisites for Reaching Substantive Goals
Magnus Boström, Åsa Casula Vifell, Mikael Klintman, Linda Soneryd
(2015) Nature and Culture, 10 p.131-156
Journal articleDagligvarubutikernas betydelse för hållbara marknader : Svensk dagligvaruhandel sett i ett europeiskt sammanhang
Olga Chkanikova, Mikael Klintman, Beatrice Kogg, Matthias Lehner, Nathalie Nebelius, et al.
(2015) Forskningsrapport
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström
(2015) Research Handbook on Climate Governance , p.309-319
Book chapterIndividen som medborgare och konsument
Mikael Klintman
(2015) Klimatsäkrat Skåne , p.198-209
Report chapterA Review of Public Policies Relating to the Use of Environmental Labelling and Information Schemes (ELIS)
Mikael Klintman
(2015) OECD Environment Working Papers (Research Reports), 105
Olga Chkanikova, Mikael Klintman, Beatrice Kogg, Matthias Lehner, Oksana Mont, et al.
(2013) IIIEE Reports
ReportDilemmas for Standardizers of Sustainable Consumption
Magnus Boström, Mikael Klintman
(2013) Routledge international handbook of social and environmental change , p.81-92
Book chapterFrivillig enkelhet: ett hållbart sätt att ta samhällsansvar?
Mikael Klintman, Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, Oksana Mont
(2013) Generationsmålet: kontroverser kring klimat och konsumtion
Book chapterI ljuset av framtiden: Styrning mot nollutsläpp 2050
Lars J Nilsson, Jamil Khan, Fredrik N G Andersson, Mikael Klintman, Roger Hildingsson, et al.
ReportResfria Möten: vad blir effekterna och hur redovisar man dem?
Yuliya Voytenko, Peter Arnfalk, Peter Abrahamsson Lindeblad, Mikael Klintman, Oksana Mont
ReportVoluntary Simplifyers: As Socially Motivated as the Rest of Us
Mikael Klintman, Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, Oksana Mont
Mikael Klintman
(2012) Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy, 8 p.59-69
Journal articleFörändringsarbete ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv: Utmaningar och möjligheter för genusarbete vid Ekonomihögskolan i Lund
Anna Jonsson, Mikael Klintman, Oksana Mont
(2012) Ledarutvecklingsprogram för kvinnor och män vid Lunds Universitet 2010-2011 , p.57-77
Book chapterCitizen-Consumers and Evolution: Reducing Environmental Harm through Our Social Motivation
Mikael Klintman
(2012) Palgrave Pivot Series
BookOrganized local resistance: investigating a local movement's activities against ESS
Emelie Stenborg, Mikael Klintman
(2012) In pursuit of a promise : perspectives on the political process to establish the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden , p.173-192
Book chapterVägval 2050: Styrningsutmaningar och förändringsstrategier för en omställning till ett kolsnålt samhälle
Jamil Khan, Roger Hildingsson, Mikael Klintman
(2011) LETS-rapport
ReportPolitical Consumerism and the Transition Towards a More Sustainable Food Regime Looking Behind and Beyond the Organic Shelf
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström
(2011) Food Practices in Transition: Changing Food Consumption, Retail and Production in the Age of Reflexive Modernity
Book chapter“Stakeholder participation in the EU governance of GMO in the food chain”
Beatrice Bengtsson, Mikael Klintman
(2010) The Environmental Politics and Deliberative Democracy. Examining the Promise of New Modes of Governance
Book chapterLivsmedelshandelns roll för gröna marknader: Avfall bästa gren
Oksana Mont, Olga Chkanikova, Mikael Klintman, Beatrice Kogg, Mårten Karlsson
(2010) Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle, 2010
Journal articleDealing with values that differ across concerned consumer groups and policy makers — values as elements in societal concerns
Mikael Klintman
(2010) Policy Responses to Societal Concerns in Food and Agriculture , p.59-70
Book chapter“Challenges to Legitimacy in Food Safety Governance? The Case of the European Food Safety Authority”
Mikael Klintman, Annica Kronsell
(2010) Journal of European Integration, 32 p.309-327
Journal articleAttityder och delaktighet vid etablering av vindkraft till havs
Åsa Waldo, Mikael Klintman
Report“The green political consumer of food: A critical analysis of the research and policies”
Magnus Boström, Mikael Klintman
(2010) Anthropology of Food
Journal articleParticipation in Green Consumer Policies: Deliberative Democracy under the Wrong Conditions?
Mikael Klintman
(2009) Journal of Consumer Policy, 32 p.43-57
Journal articleNew Modes of Food Safety Governance towards a Democratization of Knowledge? - A Research Review
Beatrice Bengtsson, Mikael Klintman
Conference paperLåta maten tysta mun: förutsättningar för konsumentmakt
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström, Lena Ekelund, Anna-Lisa Linden
BookTransparency through Labelling? Layers of Visibility in Environmental Risk Management
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström
(2008) Transparency in a New Global Order: Unveiling Organizational Visions , p.178-197
Book chapterErfarenheter av vindkraftsetablering: Förankring, acceptans och motstånd.
Mikael Klintman, Åsa Waldo
ReportMaten märks: förutsättningar för konsumentmakt
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström, Lena Ekelund, Anna-Lisa Lindén
(2008) Research Report in Sociology, Lund university, 2008:1
BookDeliberative Democracy under the Wrong Conditions? Participation in Developments of Green Consumer Politics
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström
Conference paperTo invest in a More Just Society: Screening Criteria and Democratic Features of Socially Responsible Investments (SRI)
Beatrice Bengtsson, Mikael Klintman
Working paperAmbiguous framings of political consumerism: means or end, product or process orientation?
Mikael Klintman
(2006) International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30 p.427-438
Journal articleState-centered versus nonstate-driven organic food standardization: A comparison of the US and Sweden
Magnus Bostrom, Mikael Klintman
(2006) Agriculture and Human Values, 23 p.163-180
Journal article'Editorial' in Special issue: ‘Promoting and Debating Political and Ethical Consumerism around the World’
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström
(2006) International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30 p.401-404
Journal articleMarket Development of Environmentally Benign Coating Products - A Case Study of IKEA and Akzo Nobel Industrial Coatings
Beatrice Bengtsson, Mikael Klintman, Jesper Sjöström
ReportHur översätts och förhandlas komplex kunskap till ett kategoriskt miljömärke?
Magnus Boström, Mikael Klintman
(2006) Kloka regler
Book chapterSkogs- och genmatsmärkning – kunskapsöverföring och politisk process
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström
(2004) Är vi på rätt väg? Studier i miljöfrågans lösning , p.109-132
Book chapterFramings of science and ideology: Organic food labelling in the US and Sweden
Mikael Klintman, Magnus Boström
(2004) Environmental Politics, 13 p.612-634
Journal articleThe Formation of Green Identities - Consumers and Providers.
Anna-Lisa Lindén, Mikael Klintman
(2003) Individual and Structural Determinants of Environmental Practice. , p.66-90
Book chapterBioenergi för uppvärmning - Hushållens perspektiv
Mikael Klintman
(2003) Dept. of Sociology, Lund University Research Report
ReportThe Genetically Modified (GM) Food Labelling Controversy: Ideological and Epistemic Crossovers
Mikael Klintman
(2002) Social Studies of Science, 32 p.71-91
Journal articleArguments Surrounding Organic and Genetically Modified Food Labelling: A Few Comparisons
Mikael Klintman
(2002) Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 4 p.247-259
Journal articleNature and the Social Sciences : Examples from the Electricity and Waste Sectors
Mikael Klintman
(2000) Lund Dissertations in Sociology
DissertationPublic Risk Perception of Nuclear Power - The Case of Sweden and Lithuania
Dalia Gineitiene, Erika Blücher, Mikael Klintman, Leonardas Rinkevicius
(1999) Social Processes and the Environment - Lithuania and Sweden, 1999:2 p.121-164
Book chapter
Sociologist with a broad, human scientific interest in social, economic and evolutionary dimensions of environmental and health related problems.