Main research interests
- Cultural sociology
- Subcultures
- Urban sociology
- Ethnography
Hannerz is currently working on a project on graffiti writers’ perception and use of space, mapping out spatial and temporal heterogeneities within the subculture.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
From writers' corner to cyber benching : The development of subcultural media in graffiti
Jacob Kimvall, Erik Hannerz
(2024) All City Writers : An oral history in times of change , p.25-34
Book chapterVandals in motion: the "where" of graffiti in the streets
Erik Hannerz
(2024) Urban Creativity : Essays on interventions in public space , p.73-104
Book chapterFrom writing the streets to Instagram : A history of subcultural graffiti as media
Erik Hannerz, Jacob Kimvall
(2024) Urban Creativity : Essays on interventions in public space , p.237-272
Book chapterFame! : The totemic principle in subcultural graffiti
Erik Hannerz
(2024) Nuart Journal, 8 p.63-70
Journal article (comment)The bumpy paths of online sleuthing: Exploring the interactional accomplishment of familiarity, evidence, and authority in online crime discussions
David Wästerfors, Veronika Burcar Alm, Erik Hannerz
(2023) New Media & Society
Journal articleAccomplishing Reality Media : The Affective Lure of Online Crime Discussions
Erik Hannerz, Veronika Burcar Alm, David Wästerfors
(2023) Cultural Sociology, 17 p.476-492
Journal articlePlaying in the yard : The representation of control in train-graffiti videos
Erik Hannerz
(2023) Crime, Media, Culture, 19 p.438-454
Journal articleThe Pretty Vacant: Exploring Absence in Subcultural Graffiti
Erik Hannerz
(2023) Nuart Journal, 4 p.35-44
Journal articleGÅ UT OCH TA EN ÖL? : Om eufemismer för spontant men förberett graffitiskrivande
Erik Hannerz
(2023) Den empiriska glädjen : En vänbok till Malin Åkerström , p.111-119
Book chapterHard Work and Fun: Collective Online Interaction in a Case of Photo Fraud
Veronika Burcar Alm, Erik Hannerz, David Wästerfors
(2023) Symbolic Interaction, Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue
Journal articleNegative chain referral sampling : doing justice to subcultural diversity
Erik Hannerz, Sébastien Tutenges
(2022) Journal of Youth Studies, 25 p.1268-1283
Journal articleKeeping it clean : Graffiti and the commodification of a moral panic
Erik Hannerz, Jacob Kimvall
(2020) Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, 9 p.79-92
Journal article“Keep Fighting Malmö” : – Graffiti and the negotiations of interests and control at Open walls
Erik Hannerz, Jacob Kimvall
(2019) Creating the City : Identity, Memory and Participation. Conference proceedings , p.395-420
Book chapterSubkulturer och ordnandet av skillnader
Erik Hannerz
(2018) Barn- och Ungdomsvetenskap : Grundläggande perspektiv , p.218-232
Book chapterBodies, doings, and gendered ideals in Swedish graffiti
Erik Hannerz
(2017) Sociologisk Forskning, 54 p.373-376
Journal articlePunk in Sweden.
Erik Hannerz, Mattias Persson
(2017) Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume XI p.613-616
Book chapterScrolling down the line : A few notes on using Instagram as point of access for graffiti research
Erik Hannerz
(2016) Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal, 2 p.37-41
Journal articleEmplacing Punk : Subcultural Boundary work and space in Indonesia
Erik Hannerz
(2016) Punks, Monks and Politics : Authenticity in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia , p.91-104
Book chapterRedefining the subcultural : The sub and the cultural
Erik Hannerz
(2016) Educare - Vetenskapliga Skrifter, 2016 p.50-74
Journal articleRätten till en annan stad : Att bada bastu och böja skedar
Erik Hannerz
(2016) Bastu Anden: Löylyn henki , p.18-27
Book chapterDet fria musiklivet i Skåne : Möjligheter och hinder för professionell verksamhet
Erik Hannerz, Felicia Eklund, Jens Trondman
ReportArticulating the “Counter” in Subculture Studies.
J. Patrick Williams, Erik Hannerz
(2014) M/C Journal, 17
Journal articleDIY-Pedagogik: Subkulturella handlingsramar som verktyg i arbetet med unga.
Erik Hannerz, Mattias Persson
(2014) Coda: Andra antologin om Musik och Samhälle , p.322-331
Book chapterTagging utenfor konteksten
Jacob Kimvall, Erik Hannerz
(2014) Kunstlöftet, 3 p.18-21
Journal articlePerforming Punk: Subcultural Authentications and the Positioning of the Mainstream
Erik Hannerz
DissertationThe positioning of the mainstream in punk
Erik Hannerz
(2013) Redefining Mainstream Popular Music , p.50-60
Book chapter
Erik Hannerz is a sociologist interested in subcultural authenticity. He earned a Ph.D. in Sociology from Uppsala University. In his PhD thesis Performing Punk he investigates the ordering and structuring of style and behavior among punks in Sweden and Indonesia, pointing to how the subcultural centers on plural definitions of both what punk should be and what it should be against. The thesis was reworked and published by Palgrave in 2015. Hannerz is a faculty fellow at the Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University.