Professor Emeritus
Main research areas
- Social and Cultural Theory
- Social Movements
- Memory and Trauma Studies
Current Research
Aftermath: the aesthetic response to violent conflict, post- conflict and contribution to processes of social repair.
A comparative/historical project looking at cases of how the arts, in the very broad sense of the term, responded in post-conflict, transitional situations. Cases to include Ireland, post-Yugoslavia, Argentina, Spain, Chile and several more.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Discursive combat : the question of Palestine
Ron Eyerman
(2024) American Journal of Cultural Sociology
Journal articleVietnam, A War, Not a Country
Ron Eyerman, Todd Madigan, Magnus Ring
(2023) Heritage and Memory Studies
Ron Eyerman, Lennart G. Svensson, Thomas Söderqvist
(2023) Intellectuals, Universities, and the State in Western Modern Societies
PrefaceW.E.B. DuBois - ras, institutionell rasism och social ojämlikhet
Johanna Esseveld, Ron Eyerman
(2022) Sociologins klassiker: Upptäckter och återupptäckter , p.251-268
Book chapterCovid-19 as cultural trauma
Nicolas Demertzis, Ron Eyerman
(2020) American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 8 p.428-450
Journal article