Associate Professor | Associate senior lecturer
Main research and teaching areas
- Criminology (specifically global and cultural criminology)
- Anthropology
- Sociology
- Policing research
- Crime prevention
- Gangs and organised crime
- Surveillance och private investigations
- Violence
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
A diagnosis of society and Nordic sociology
Rasmus Ahlstrand, David Sausdal
(2024) Acta Sociologica, 67 p.117-120
Journal articleOn Police, Criminals, and the Anthropological Games They Play
David Sausdal
(2024) Anthropology News
Journal articleDirty harry gone global? : On globalising policing and punitive impotence
David Sausdal
(2023) Policing race, ethnicity and culture : Ethnographic perspectives across Europe , p.117-134
Book chapterA collaborator? : Ethnographic issues of police and peer suspicion
David Sausdal
(2023) Routledge International Handbook of Police Ethnography , p.147-165
Book chapterViolence as vocation
David Sausdal
(2023) 50 Facts Everyone Should Know About the Police
Book chapterGlobalizing Local Policing : An Ethnography of Change and Concern among Danish Detectives
David Sausdal
BookDirty Harry gone global? : On globalizing policing and punitive impotence
David Sausdal
(2023) Policing race, ethnicity and culture : Ethnographic perspectives across Europe
Book chapterPolice Prejudice or Logics? : Analyzing the “Bornholm Murder Case”
David Sausdal
(2022) Conflict and Society, 8 p.1-19
Journal articleA cult(ure) of intelligence-led policing : On the international campaigning and convictions of Danish policing
David Sausdal
(2022) Nordic Criminal Justice in a Global World : Practices and Promotions of Exceptionalism , p.111-127
Book chapterKära Sverige: Bli inte för förälskade i den danska kriminalpolitiken!
David Sausdal
(2022) Tidskrift för Kriminalvård
Journal article (comment)Theatrics of Transnational Criminal Justice : Ethnographies of Penality in a Global Age
David Sausdal, Kjersti Lohne
(2021) Theoretical Criminology, 25 p.361-378
Journal articleSpecial Issue: Theatrics of transnational criminal justice: Ethnographies of penality in a global age
(2021) Theoretical Criminology, 25
Editor for a journalGlobal Crime Ethnographies : Three Suggestions for a Criminology That Truly Travels
Henrik Vigh, David Sausdal
(2021) The Oxford Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice
Book chapterLooking beyond the police-as-control narrative
David Sausdal
(2021) Doing Human Service Ethnography , p.191-207
Book chapterTerrorizing police : Revisiting ‘the policing of terrorism’ from the perspective of Danish police detectives
David Sausdal
(2021) European Journal of Criminology, 18 p.755-773
Journal articleA fighting fetish : On transnational police and their warlike presentation of self
David Sausdal
(2021) Theoretical Criminology, 25 p.400-418
Journal articleEveryday deficiencies of police surveillance : a quotidian approach to surveillance studies
David Sausdal
(2020) Policing and Society, 30 p.462-478
Journal articlePolice Bullshit : Taking Brutal Police Talk Less Seriously
David Sausdal
(2020) Journal of Extreme Anthropology, 4 p.94-115
Journal articleEveryday policing : toward a greater analytical appreciation of the ordinary in police research
David Sausdal
(2020) Policing and Society
Journal articleOn the workaday origin of police callousness
David Sausdal
(2020) Society of the Anthropology of Work. Exertions
Journal articleAnthropological criminology 2.0 : Ethnographies of global crime and criminalization
(2019) Focaal, 2019
Editor for a journalPolicing at a distance and that human thing : An appreciative critique of police surveillance
David Sausdal
(2019) Focaal, 2019 p.51-64
Journal articleIntroduction: Anthropological criminology 2.0
David Sausdal, Henrik Vigh
(2019) Focaal, 2019 p.1-14
Journal articleThe anthropology of crime
Henrik Vigh, David Sausdal
(2018) Handbook of Political Anthropology , p.441-461
Book chapterPleasures of policing : An additional analysis of xenophobia
David Sausdal
(2018) Theoretical Criminology, 22 p.226-242
Journal articleOverponderabilia : Overcoming overthinking when studying “ourselves”
Kasper Tang Vangkilde, David Brehm Sausdal
(2016) Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 17
Journal articleFrom essence back to existence : Anthropology beyond the ontological turn
Henrik Erdman Vigh, David Brehm Sausdal
(2014) Anthropological Theory, 14 p.49-73
Journal articleCultural Culprits : Police Apprehensions of Pickpockets in Copenhagen
David Sausdal
(2014) Crisis and migration : Implications of the Eurozone crisis for perceptions, politics and policies of migration , p.177-204
Book chapterDen ontologiske blænding : Om den ontologiske vendings metodiske og politiske problemer
David Sausdal, Henrik Vigh
(2013) Tidskriftet Antropologi, 67 p.101-119
Book chapter