Main research areas
- Migration research
- Family demography
- Educational interventions
Current research
My research is at the intersection of sociology and demography. My research interests include international migration and integration, union formation, social stratification, and the effects of educational interventions. I conduct quantitative research, mainly relying on individual-level historical and contemporary register data. I am affiliated with the Centre for Economic Demography at Lund University.
Sociological theory and quantitative methods. I have taught in various disciplines including sociology and demography, and at all levels.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Fertility patterns and sex composition preferences in immigrant–native unions in Sweden
Annika Elwert
(2024) Population Studies, 78 p.289-304
Journal articleFrom state-controlled to free migration : The income effects of the 2008 Swedish labour-migration reform
Annika Elwert, Henrik Emilsson, Nahikari Irastorza
(2023) Migration Studies, 11 p.721-745
Journal articleLife-Cycle Effects of Comprehensive Sex Education
Volha Lazuka, Annika Elwert
(2023) IZA Discussion Paper
Working paperFrom State-Controlled to Free Migration: Unintended consequences of the 2008 Swedish Labour-Migration Reform
Annika Elwert, Henrik Emilsson, Nahikari Irastorza
Web publicationGender asymmetries in mixed unions
Albert Esteve, Ewa Batyra, Annika Elwert
(2023) N-IUSSP
Journal articleGender Asymmetries in Cross-National Couples
Albert Esteve, Annika Elwert, Ewa Batyra
(2023) Population and Development Review, 49 p.379-396
Journal articleThe social care-taking of the city-kids. Determinants for day-care attendance in early twentieth-century southern Sweden
Annika Elwert, Luciana Quaranta
(2023) The History of the Family, 28 p.508-529
Journal articleThe social care-taking of the city-kids. Determinants for day-care attendance in early twentieth century southern Sweden
Annika Elwert, Luciana Quaranta
(2022) Lund Papers in Economic Demography
Working paperLike parents, like children? The impact of parental endogamy and exogamy on their children’s partner choices in Sweden
Nahikari Irastorza, Annika Elwert
(2021) Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47 p.895-915
Journal articleOpposites Attract : Assortative Mating and Immigrant–Native Intermarriage in Contemporary Sweden
Annika Elwert
(2020) European Journal of Population, 36 p.675-709
Journal articleWill You Intermarry Me? : Determinants and Consequences of Immigrant-Native Intermarriage in Contemporary Nordic Settings
Annika Elwert
DissertationCohabitation Premiums in Denmark : Income Effects in Immigrant–Native Partnerships
Annika Elwert, Anna Tegunimataka
(2016) European Sociological Review, 32 p.383-383
Journal articleOpposites Attract – Evidence of Status Exchange in Ethnic Intermarriages in Sweden
Annika Elwert
(2016) Lund Papers in Economic History. Population Economics
Working paper
PhD in Economic History from Lund University (2018). Previous teaching and research experience in sociology and demography, as well as non-academic assignments.
Media Enquiries. Areas of expertise for journalists.
- Intermarriage
- Day-cares in a historical perspective