PhD Candidate
Main research areas:
- Ethnic and religious identity formation in Migration Contexts
- Welfare and social policy
- Development in the Global South
- Qualitative Methods
Current research:
I am currently researching identity formations and everyday lives of Muslims in Sweden. I am interested in understanding how the ‘Muslim’ identity is articulated when intergenerational co-histories interact with the Swedish secular societal context and how this (Muslim) identity is negotiated and navigated between and across various levels of interactions i.e. Individual (micro), family, education and labour market (meso) and state (macro).
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Identity and political participation among young British Muslims: believing and belonging
Uzma Kazi
(2016) Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39 p.2448-2450
Uzma has a background in Sociology and Development Studies. She has previously worked with The Citizens Foundation (TCF) in Pakistan, an NGO engaged in setting up schools in urban slums and rural areas. She has experience of doing fieldwork both in Pakistan and Sweden. She has a BS in Sociology and an MS in Development Studies from Lund University.