Cultural Criminology Continued, anno 2024
The theme of this year's conference is the very timely topic of "Street Culture, Gangs, and Violence” with brilliant keynote speakers such as Anna Hedlund, Sveinung Sandberg and Jonathan Ilan.
Something is cooking in Nordic criminology. Old theories are being re-discovered, updated, and put to new use in studies of crime, crime control, and risk-taking behaviours. Rituals, symbols, narratives, emotions, and meaning-making are placed centre stage, often viewed through an ethnographic lens. Up-close empirical studies and innovative theorizing with the classics lead the way to today’s new knowledge.
The renewed interest in cultural criminology is seen not only in the recent boom in research across the Nordic region, ranging from studies on street culture and “haunting prisons” to crime novels and children’s books. This renewed interest is reflected in the popularity of a master’s program in Cultural Criminology launched in 2019 at the Department of Sociology, Lund University. This program has enticed students from across the globe to explore how cultural dynamics intertwine with practices of crime and control.
To pinpoint and cultivate this trend, we have gathered some of cultural criminology’s most prominent and inspiring scholars, to present at a one-day conference hosted by the Crime, Control, and Culture (CCC) research group at the Department of Sociology, Lund University.
Please send an email to david [dot] sausdal [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se if you would like to attend.
About the event
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david [dot] sausdal [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se