Associate Professor | Senior Lecturer
- Global development
- Migration
- Working life and work organisation
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Cognitive microfoundations and social interaction dynamics. : The implications of complexity for institutional theory.
Olle Frödin
(2024) Theory and Society, 53 p.1019-1047
Journal articleImmigrant Organizations and Labor Market Integration: The Case of Sweden
Johan Sandberg, Axel Fredholm, Olle Frödin
(2023) Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24 p.1357-1380
Journal articleThe Migration-Development Nexus Revisited : Immigrant Organizations and the Swedish Policy Framework for Development and Humanitarian Assistance
Axel Fredholm, Johan Sandberg, Olle Frödin
(2022) Forum for Development Studies, 49 p.467-492
Journal articleTransnationalism, integration och etnisk organisering : En studie av svenska etniska organisationer i ljuset av civilsamhällets omvandling
Olle Frödin, Axel Fredholm
(2021) Sociologisk Forskning, 58 p.311-338
Journal articleIntegration, cultural preservation and transnationalism through state supported immigrant organizations : a study of Sweden’s national ethnic associations
Olle Frödin, Axel Fredholm, Johan Sandberg
(2021) Comparative Migration Studies, 9
Journal articleAnställningsbidrag: integration eller etnisk segmentering?
Olle Frödin, Anders Kjellberg
(2020) Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 2020 p.30-52
Journal articleAnställningsbidragens roll i handeln : En jämförelse med branscherna hotell- och restaurang, städ och bemanning
Olle Frödin, Anders Kjellberg
ReportFramtidens subventionerade anställningar : Anställningsbidrag inom handeln
Olle Frödin, Anders Kjellberg
Conference - otherLabor Migration from Third Countries to Swedish Low-wage jobs
Olle Frödin, Anders Kjellberg
(2018) Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 8 p.65-85
Journal articleProjektet Arbetskraftsmigration, fack och arbetsgivare : Sammanfattning av resultaten
Anders Kjellberg, Olle Frödin
OtherThe Research Project Labour Migration, Trade Unions and Employers : Summary of the Results
Anders Kjellberg, Olle Frödin
OtherArbetskraftsmigration från tredje land i låglöneyrken
Olle Frödin, Anders Kjellberg
(2017) Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 23 p.84-102
Journal articleAttention schema theory, an interdisciplinary turn? : Cognition, culture and institutions
Olle Frödin
(2017) Anthropological Theory, 17 p.88-107
Journal article"Failed States."
Olle Frödin
(2016) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell Reference Online. 30 November 2016
Book chapterArbetskraftsinvandring från tredje land i restaurang- och städbranscherna - en presentation
Olle Frödin, Anders Kjellberg
Conference - otherArbetskraftsinvandring från tredje land i restaurang- och städbranscherna
Olle Frödin, Anders Kjellberg
(2015) Arbetskraft från hela världen. Hur blev det med 2008 års reform?, Delmi Rapport nr 2015:9 p.150-199
Book chapterResearching Governance for Sustainable Development: Some Conceptual Clarifications
Olle Frödin
(2015) Journal of Developing Societies, 31 p.447-466
Journal article“Dissecting the State. Towards a Relational Conceptualization of States and State Failure.”
Olle Frödin
(2012) Journal of International Development, 24 p.271-286
Journal articleThe Art of the Possible, the Bullet or the Ballot Box: Defining Politics in the Emerging Global Order
Olle Frödin
(2011) Theoria: a Swedish Journal of Philosophy, 58 p.1-20
Journal articleGeneralised and Particularistic Thinking in Policy Analysis and Practice: The Case of Governance Reform in South Africa
Olle Frödin
(2011) Development Policy Review, 29 p.178-198
Journal articleGeneralised and Particularistic Thinking in Policy Analysis and Practice: The Case of Governance Reform in South Africa
Olle Frödin
(2009) Development Policy Review, 27 p.287-306
Journal articleSynergies, Stalemates and Social Dilemmas : Governance in South Africa in Comparative Perspective
Olle Frödin