Professor emeritus
Social Anthropology
Steven Sampson has done research on socialist bureaucracy and the post-socialist transition in Romania, and on civil society development, democracy export and NGOs in Southeastern Europe.
His later research has focused on corruption and anticorruption, and the rise of the anticorruption 'industry' with its particular discourses and practices. He has presently completing research on ethics and compliance in the private sector, and how business ethics attempts to fight corruption and unethical practices.
Recent publications include 'The anti-corruption industry: from movement to institution" in Global Crime, 'The Right Way: the training of ethics and compliance officers', J. of Business Anthropology, editing of a special issue of the Journal of Business Anthropology on business ethics, and co-editor of an anthology on NGOs called Cultures of Doing Good: The Anthropology of NGOs (Alabama Press, 2017).
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
The Dark Side of Policy: The Case of the Anti-corruption Industry
Steven Sampson
(2024) Revista de antropologia contemporanea, 2023 p.385-411
Journal articlePursuing intimacy in a surveillance regime: Fieldwork in communist Romania. : Submitted paper, special issue on espionage and surveillance, under review
Steven Sampson
(2024) The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, xx p.1-1
Journal articleGood people doing bad things: Compliance regimes in organisations
Steven Sampson
(2023) Compliance: Cultures and Networks of Accommodation , p.57-79
Book chapterInvolved and Detached: Emotional Management in Fieldwork
Anna Hedlund, Steven Sampson
(2023) The Entanglements of Ethnographic Fieldwork in a Violent World , p.93-116
Book chapterFia attent (Watch out!): Surveillance and Intimacy in Ethnographic Research
Steven Sampson
(2022) , p.1-15
Conference paperEfterskrift : Anne Knudsen som socialantropolog
Steven Sampson
(2022) Weekendavisen , p.12-12
Newspaper articleNGOs, NGO-ing, and NGO-graphy in Serbia
Steven Sampson
(2022) Focaal, 2022 p.112-118
Journal article reviewKonspirationsteorier lever 20 år efter 9/11: » Det latterlige kan også være farligt, hvis man ikke tager det alvorligt «
Steven Sampson
(2021) Berlingske , p.1-1
Newspaper articleLandscapes of Indignation: Denunciations of Tax Evaders and Welfare Cheaters in Scandinavia
Steven Sampson
OtherGood People Doing Bad Things: Compliance Regimes in Organizations
Steven Sampson
(2021) Journal of Legal Anthropology, 5 p.1-21
Journal articleCabal Anthropology: Can the Anthropology of Belief Help Us Understand Conspiracism?
Steven Sampson
(2021) , August 2021
Web publicationAnti-corruptionism and the Anti-corruption Industry: What Would a Critical Corruption Studies be Like?
Steven Sampson
(2021) , p.1-17
Conference paperResilience and Surveillance in Hann's Eurasia
Steven Sampson
(2021) Explorations in Economic Anthropology: Key Issues and Critical Reflections , p.102-121
Book chapterNed med enkeltsager! Længe leve paragrafferne!
Steven Sampson
(2021) Berlingske Tidende , p.1-2
Newspaper articleDen troværdige indvandrerforsker : Indvandrerforskerne vil gerne hjælpe indvandrerne. Men en cand.mag. i hvidhedsstudier løser ikke probleme
Steven Sampson
(2021) Weekendavisen , p.8-8
Newspaper articleOn Vintila Mihailescu
Steven Sampson
(2020) ANUAC. Journal of the Italian Society for Cultural Anthropology, 9 p.58-59
Journal article (comment)Kronik: Verdens ærligste land -- men tror vi selv på det? : Danmark er igen verdens mindst korrupte land. Men hvad med alle enkeltsagerne og hvad med alle undtagelserne? Skal vi bare holde op med at lytte til Transparency Internationals ros?
Steven Sampson
(2020) Berlingske Tidende , p.1-1
Newspaper articleAnti-corruption: Who Cares?
Steven Sampson
(2019) Challenges in Managing Sustainable Business – Reporting, Taxation, Ethics and Governance , p.277-294
Book chapterCitizen duty or Stasi society? Whistleblowing and disclosure regimes in organizations and communities
Steven Sampson
(2019) Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 19 p.1-24
Journal articleKathy meets Vera in Communist Romania (Book Review) : Book Review of K. Verdery, 'My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File'
Steven Sampson
(2019) Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 2019 p.1-4
ReviewTattoos and Ankle Bracelets: Recalling Fieldwork in Romania,
Steven Sampson
(2019) Freibourg Studies in Social Anthropology ISBN 978-3-643-80247-7, 51 p.1-15
Book chapterThe Morality of Transparency; Clarity versus Emptiness
Steven Sampson
(2019) Der Transparenz-Imperativ: Normen, Strukturen, Praktiken , p.37-62
Book chapterAll that is normal melts into air: rethinking neoliberal rules and deviants
Steven Sampson
(2018) Economy, Crime and Wrong in a Neoliberal ERa , p.240-256
Steven Sampson
(2018) , p.1-1
Conference paperWhat Jimmie Got Right: Anthropologists and Sverigedemokratarna
Steven Sampson
Web publicationHow i became a ‘Romania Expert’
Steven Sampson
(2018) Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Sociologia, 63 p.13-28
Journal articleCitizen Duty or Stasi Society? Informing on Unethical Behavior in Firms, Organizations and Communities and the Neoliberalization of Whistleblowing
Steven Sampson
(2017) , p.1-15
Steven Sampson
(2017) NGOgraphies: Ethnographic Reflections on NGOs , p.1-14
Book chapterCultures of Doing Good : Anthropologists and NGOs
(2017) NGOgraphies: Ethnograhic Reflections on NGOs, 1
BookCorruption, anticorruption, uncorruption
Steven Sampson
(2016) Revue du M.A.U.S.S. , p.1-10
Journal articleBusiness Ethics: A Double Bind
Steven Sampson, Ghislaine Gallenga, Jérôme Soldani
(2016) Journal of Business Anthropology, 10 p.1-9
Journal articleThe “Right Way”: Moral capitalism and the emergence of the corporate ethics and compliance officer
Steven Sampson
(2016) Journal of Business Anthropology, 10
Journal articleThe audit juggernaut : Comment on Audit Culture articles
Steven Sampson
(2015) Social Anthropology, 23 p.80-82
Journal articleThe Morality of Transparency: A Comparison of NGOs and Business Ethics
Steven Sampson
(2015) , p.1-9
Conference paperIs it legal? Is it moral? The training of ethics and compliance officers in the private sector
Steven Sampson
(2015) , p.1-15
Conference paperThe anticorruption package
Steven Sampson
(2015) Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 15 p.115-123
Journal articleLivet Efter Feminismen: Från Governmentality till Fementality (redigerad, final)
Steven Sampson
(2014) Farväl till feminismen? , p.11-20
Book chapterTone at the top: building a culture of compliance in company codes of conduct
Steven Sampson
(2014) , p.1-15
Conference paperCulture and compliance: an anthropologist’s view
Steven Sampson
(2014) Compliance and Ethics Professional, 2014 p.35-39
Journal articleCivic duty, Stasi society or Petty revenge: citizen reporting on tax cheating neighbors in Sweden and Denmark
Steven Sampson
(2014) , p.1-15
Conference paperIs anticorruption neoliberal plot? Assessming the anticorruption project in Southeast Europe
Steven Sampson
(2014) , p.1-15
Conference paperThe most successful ngo in the world: transparency international and the rise of ‘anticorruptionism’
Steven Sampson
(2014) , p.1-15
Conference - otherSe upp om du blir bjuden på middag! Aktuella frågor.
Steven Sampson
(2013) Sydsvenska dagbladet
Newspaper articleSolidarity with the powerful? Fieldwork and Ethnography with Elites
Steven Sampson
(2013) , p.1-8
Conference paperÄr du genuskompetent? Kampen om genuscertifiering vid svensk universitet
Steven Sampson
(2012) Den högre utbildningen: ett fält av marknad och politik red af D. Ankarloo and T. Friberg , p.222-237
Book chapterÄr du genuskomptetent? Kampen om genuscertifiering vid svenska universitet
Steven Sampson
(2012) Den Högre Utbildningen: Et fält av marknad och politik , p.224-249
Book chapterThe anti-corruption industry: from movement to institution
Steven Sampson
(2012) Fighting Corruption in Eastern Europe: A Multilevel Perspective , p.180-205
Book chapterA Culture of compliance: developing standards for fighting corruption
Steven Sampson
(2012) , p.1-12
Conference paperLife after Feminism: from ”governmentality” till ”fementality”
Steven Sampson
(2012) [Host publication title missing]
Book chapterIntegrity Warriors: Global Morality and the Anti-Corruption Movement in the Balkans
Steven Sampson
(2011) Public Sector Corruption, I p.313-349
Book chapterThe Age of Compliance: Performing transparency in the global anti-corruption industry
Steven Sampson
(2011) , p.1-9
Conference paperThe anti-corruption industry: from movement to institution
Steven Sampson
(2010) Global Crime, 11 p.261-278
Journal articleDiagnostics: Indicators and transparency in the anti-corruption industry
Steven Sampson
(2010) Transparenz: Multidiszplinäre Durchsichten durch Phönomene und theorien des Undurchsichtigen , p.97-111
Book chapterTruthers: the 911 Truth Movement and the Culture of Conspiracy
Steven Sampson
(2010) , p.1-23
Conference paper"Steven Sampson" (interview)
Steven Sampson
(2010) 1989-2009: Incredibila aventura a democratiei dupa comunism , p.277-284
Book chapterCorruption and anti-corruption in Southeast Europe: Landscapes and sites
Steven Sampson
(2008) Governments, NGOs and Anti-Corruption: The New Integrity Warriors
Book chapterEr du genuskompetent? Genusfascismen kommer til Lund
Steven Sampson
(2008) Lundagård
Journal articleCorruption and Anticorruption in Southeast Europe: Landscapes and Sites (working paper)
Steven Sampson
Working paperWhy do Swedish students go to university? Results of an anthropological study
Steven Sampson
Conference paperCan the World Bank do the right thing? When anti-corruption movements become anti-corruption budget lines
Steven Sampson
Conference paperVad skall jag läsa? Ansökningskrisen och studenters beslutsprocess
Steven Sampson, Torbjörn Friberg, Kristina Göransson, Maria Sandberg
ReportIs anti-corruption an imperialist plot? Transparency International and development assistance
Steven Sampson
Conference paperIntegrity Warriors: Global Morality and the Anti-corruption Movement in the Balkans
Steven Sampson
(2005) Understanding Corruption: Anthropological Perspectives , p.103-130
Book chapterToo much civil society? Donor-driven NGOs in the Balkans
Steven Sampson
(2004) Revisiting the Role of Civil Society in the Promotion of Human Rights , p.197-220
Book chapterFifteen Years of Democracy Export in the Balkans: Who Did What to Whom?
Steven Sampson
Conference paperFrom reconciliation to coexistence
Steven Sampson
(2003) Public Culture, 15 p.181-186
Journal articleTrouble Spots: Projects, Bandits and State Fragmentation
Steven Sampson
(2003) Globalization, the State and Violence , p.309-342
Book chapterFrom forms to norms: global projects and local practices in the Balkan NGO scene
Steven Sampson
(2003) Journal of Human Rights, 2 p.329-337
Journal articleFrom Kanun to Capacity Building: “The Internationals”, Civil Society Development and Security in the Balkans.
Steven Sampson
(2003) International Intervention in the Balkans since 1995 , p.136-157
Book chapterBeyond Transition: rethinking elite configurations in the Balkans
Steven Sampson
(2002) Postsocialism: ideals, Ideologies and Practices in Eurasia , p.297-316
Book chapterWeak States, Uncivil Societies and Thousands of NGOs: Benevolent Colonialism in the Balkans
Steven Sampson
(2002) The Balkans in Focus: Cultural Boundaries in Europe , p.27-44
Book chapter