Welcome to the Master's Programme in Social Anthropology
Programme code: SASAN
Programme Period 2024 - 2026
Mandatory introductory meeting
The programme starts with Theory and Methods Course, SANN03
Time and place: 2 September at G:a Kirurgen (House R), room 148
Address: Sandgatan 13 A, Lund
You also find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for the course code (SANN03) in the schedule. Find schedule via TimeEdit. How to find the street address in TimeEdit: click on the address in the column for Rooms; click on the address again; now you will find the street address at the very top.
Please note that time and place might be changed, please see schedule before the introduction.
See further below in this letter for more specific information about the course, including how to register for the programme/course.
Student account
If you are a new student at Lund University you will receive (or have received) a student ID via email. You activate your student account on https://passport.lu.se. If you are already a student at our university but cannot log in to your student account, please visit https://passport.lu.se and reactivate your account.
If you have any problems with your student account, please send an email to LU Servicedesk: servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se) or call them at +46 46 222 90 00.
IMPORTANT! Register for the programme and the first course SANN03
Web registration period: 26 August – 2 September
You register for the course in Ladok for students. Please use your student ID to log in.
In our checklist for new students you will find information on student account, how to register and related subjects.
If you need help with the registration, please send an e-mail to info [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se and ask for help within time as above, otherwise you may lose your place on the course and programme and it may be offered to another student.
Entry requirements, please look at the syllabus. Students who are admitted with conditions may need to contact us for individual assessment and help with registration but make an attempt first, otherwise please contact your study adviser (see contact details below).
Cancellation: If you are registered for the course and within three weeks decide not to follow the course and programme, you can go back to the Student Portal and cancel your registration, or send an e-mail to info [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se.
Course literature, web platform and more
Information about the course SANN03 such as literature list, syllabus, schedule and web platform Canvas etc. can be found on the web page Literature and Syllabi.
Canvas consists of course pages and every course has its own course page. Here you will find all information during the course. You have to register for the course in Ladok in order to get access to the course page in Canvas. The course page will be published one week before course start.
On the website Current students you will find shortcuts to Ladok, Canvas, Webmail and International Desk. Here you can also read about different events and last but not least you will find the link to Your digital study environment, which offers great support about e.g. Zoom, Canvas and study techniques.
As soon as all the schedules for the autumn semester are done, you can search for each course here
Here is the main web page for the Department of Sociology
The programme is presented here, and its syllabus can be found here
The first course of the programme
Mandatory introductory meeting
The programme starts with SANN03: Theory and Method Course on monday 28 August
You can find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for the course code (SANN03) in the schedule. The schedule can be found here
On the website Current students you will find shortcuts to Ladok, Canvas, Webmail and International Desk. Here you can also read about different events and last but not least you will find the link to Your digital study environment, which offers great support about e.g. Zoom, Canvas and study techniques.
Welcome to the course and to the Department of Sociology!
Student Office:
Christian Landgren
Social Anthropology
Department of Sociology
Box 114, 221 00 Lund
Tel: +46 46 222 40 36
Study Adviser:
Britt Marie Rönn
Tel: +46 46 222 88 77
E-mail: studievagledare [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (studievagledare[at]soc[dot]lu[dot]se)
Information from the Study Adviser
The Department of Sociology is located right in the heart of Lund, a few minutes away from the magnificent Lund Cathedral and also close to the central station. The campus area, filled with beautiful trees and architecture, is called The Paradise.
The campus offers plenty of study areas, cafés, restaurants as well as a number of other Social Science departments, the main University Library and the Library of Social Sciences.
The Department of Sociology at Lund University was founded in 1947. Social Anthropology was established in the department, 1973. The department of Sociology is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Department has currently about 1 100 students and about 100 employees and holds two subjects: Sociology and Social Anthropology.
Research is conducted in a variety of fields, which is also reflected in our wide range of courses given both on campus in Lund and online. The department offer courses and programs on undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. levels in both disciplines.
You find the Department on Sandgatan 11, house G.
The Master of Science Program in Social Anthropology (SASAN) is a 2-year program comprising 120 credits. The courses cover 30 credits in social anthropological theory, 30 credits in the theory of science and research methods (of which at least 7.5 credits in the theory of science and at least 15 credits in research methods) and a master ́s thesis in social anthropology (30 credits). The remaining 30 credits consist of elective courses at Lund university or abroad.
The courses are studied sequentially, one at a time; this means that one course is concluded before the next one starts. The courses are studied in the following order:
Semester 1
- Theory and Method Course, 15 credits (SANN03)
- Ethnography in Social Science, 15 credits (SANN04)
Semester 2
- Modern Classics, 15 credits (SANN13)
- Selected courses in theory of science and research methods, 15 credits (go to Graduate School's website for more info)
Semester 3
- Internship, 15 credits
- Ethnographic Fieldwork, 15 credit
- Elective courses/Study abroad, 30 credits
Semester 4
- Master’s thesis, 30 credits
The introductory Theory and Method Course, 15 credits (SANN03) deals with different and current theoretical topics. The teaching consists of lectures, workshops, supervision and seminars. Examination is done by group and individual assignments. Each assignment is presented written and orally at seminars.
Your teacher will be Dr. Ulf Johansson Dahre. Dr. Dahre has been teaching for almost twenty years in Social Anthropology. His research is currently focused human rights and museum anthropology. He has done extensive fieldwork in the Pacific.
Programme start information regarding registration, schedule and introduction day will be sent in the end of June 2021.
If you for some reason cannot attend your studies in Social Anthropology this year, we would be very grateful if you could tell us as early as possible by notifying in your account at Universityadmissions.se - in the Application tab.
Best regards,
Britt Marie Rönn Study adviser, Department of Sociology
Email: studievagledare [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone: +46 46 2228877