Main research and teaching areas
- Sociological perspectives on and explanations for (un)health
- Work, working hours and "work-life-balance"
- School choice and school segregation
- Scientific method with focus on quantitative method
Current research
Today, my research time is mainly devoted to the project "Work less, live more? Voluntary part-time work and consequences for health, well-being and quality of life" where, together with Rebecca Selberg at the Department of Gender Studies, I investigate why many people choose to voluntarily reduce working hours and what consequences this has for health and well-being. With this project, you can say that I have returned to the object of my doctoral thesis; how social contexts and structures in different ways affect how we feel.
I have previously mainly dedicated myself to teaching quantitative methods at various levels and also written course literature on the subject.
I have also worked on developing and coordinating our new bachelor's programme in sociology. Over the years, in addition to my employment at the university, I have had various assignments related to scientific method, mainly as a "method consultant" in relation to school development and evaluation work."
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Sveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskare: Annars är sveket monumentalt – ni kan inte säga att ni inte visste
Alasdair Skelton, Kimberly Nicholas, Lennart Olsson, David Alcer, Tomas Persson, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleMental health and academic performance: a study on selection and causation effects from childhood to early adulthood
Sara Agnafors, Mimmi Barmark, Gunilla Sydsjö
(2021) Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology , p.857-866
Journal article171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”
Per Adman, Mats Alvesson, Elina Andersson, Mimmi Maria Barmark, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2019) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleTraditional versus experimental pathways to university: Educational aspirations among young Swedes with and without an immigrant background
Gökhan Kaya, Mimmi Maria Barmark
(2019) Journal of Youth Studies, 22 p.891-906
Journal articleHow School Choice Leads to Segregation: An Analysis of Structural and Symbolic Boundaries at Play
Mimmi Maria Barmark, Stefan Lund
(2016) Secondary Education: Perspectives, Global Issues and Challenges
Book chapterVem går det bättre för och varför?
Mimmi Maria Barmark
(2016) Skolframgång i det mångkulturella samhället , p.65-84
Book chapterSchool choice and the Natural Science Program
Mimmi Maria Barmark, Stefan Lund
(2015) School Choice, Ethnic Divisions, and Symbolic Boundaries , p.28-48
Book chapterStatistisk verktygslåda 0 - att förstå och förändra världen med siffror
Mimmi Maria Barmark, Göran Djurfeldt
BookSocial determinants of the sick building syndrome: exploring the interrelated effects of social position and psychosocial situation.
Mimmi Maria Barmark
(2015) International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 25 p.490-507
Journal articleLåt oss kalla det skolkultur. Om betydelsen av normativt försvarbara och meningsaktiverande praktiker för förbättrade skolprestationer.
Mats Trondman, Sophie Krantz, Karina Petersson, Mimmi Maria Barmark
(2012) Locus
Journal articleFaktoranalys
Mimmi Maria Barmark
(2009) Statistisk verktygslåda 2 - multivariat analys , p.69-103
Book chapterLogistisk regressionsanalys
Mimmi Maria Barmark, Göran Djurfeldt
(2009) Statistisk verktygslåda 2 - multivariat analys , p.125-148
Book chapterStatistisk verktygslåda II - multivariat analys
BookSjukdom och ohälsa vid sjukförsäkringens gränser - diagnosprofiler för avslags- och indragningsärenden
Mimmi Maria Barmark, Peter Hultgren
(2008) Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 85 p.409-421
Journal articleHem sjuka hem : En verklig konstruktion och dess sociala bestämningar
Mimmi Maria Barmark
DissertationSjuka hus eller sjuka människor? Om boenderelaterad ohälsa bland malmöbor
Mimmi Maria Barmark
(2003) Working Papers in Sociology
For my doctoral thesis I investigated social explanations for the fact that some people are more likely than others to suffer from indoor environment-related ill health (the so-called Sick building syndrome (SBS)). After that, I changed tracks and devoted some time to the school choice system in Sweden and school segregation in the city of Malmö, Sweden.