Senior Professor
Main research areas
- Social change, social policy and the future of the welfare state
- Economic and Political Sociology
- Women’s work and the segregated work force
- Insider trading, money laundering and sustainability of financial markets
Current research and teaching
- Financial Sustainability
- Threats and Violence at the Work Place
- Organization Theory and the Changing Public Sector
My sociological interest centers on how states try to steer social change and why and with what consequence, they succeed or fail. I received my PhD at the University of California, Santa Barbara and was Assistant Professor at New York University before taking an academic position at Lund University.
My empirical work includes studies, among others, of commitment to mental institutions, rehabilitation to work, conflict in school, threats and violence at work, insider trading, money laundering and the world-wide growth and influence of the illegal economy.
I have had the opportunity to work internationally as a Fellow/Guest Scholar at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna; the Center for the Study of Law and Society, University of California, Berkeley 2008-2010; SCANCOR, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge 2017.
I am currently active in two groups at the Weatherhead Center, The Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research and the Weatherhead Research Cluster on Comparative Inequality.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Annie Marion Maclean : Kvinnan i industrisamhället
Antoinette Hetzler
(2022) Sociologins Klassiker : Upptäckter och återupptäckter , p.269-284
Book chapterAbusive Behaviour in Swedish Schools : Setting Limits and Building Citizenship
Antoinette Hetzler
(2020) Feeling Safe in School : Bullying and Violence Prevention Around the World , p.185-204
Book chapterVad händer med kvinnodominerade yrken? : Utsatthet inom läraryrket och socionomyrket
Antoinette Hetzler, Colm Flaherty, Patrik Andersson
BookFraming work injury/sickness in a changing welfare state - naming and blaming
Antoinette Hetzler
(2018) The Transformation of Work in Welfare State Organizations : New Public Management and the Institutional Diffusion of Ideas , p.223-241
Book chapterWorking Law: Courts, Corporations, and Symbolic Civil Rights by Lauren B. Edelman
Antoinette Hetzler
(2018) American Journal of Sociology, 123 p.1219-1221
ReviewHFMADM method based on nondimensionalization and its application in the evaluation of inclusive growth
Xiaodi Liu, Zengwen Wang, Antoinette Hetzler
(2017) Journal of Business Economics and Management, 18 p.726-744
Journal articleRights at School : Regulation in a Changing Normative Field
Antoinette Hetzler
(2017) Festskrift till Ann Numhauser-Henning , p.291-291
Book chapterGuaranteeing Social Rights and Regulating the Public Sector
Antoinette Hetzler, Colm Flaherty
(2017) European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 4 p.25-51
Journal articleKlas Östergren. Den intellektuelle som åskådare
Antoinette Hetzler
(2015) Sociologi genom litteratur - skönlitteraturens möjligheter och samhällsvetenskapens begränsningar , p.323-330
Book chapterWar at work - the inner dynamics of strategic threats and violence in Swedish Schools
Antoinette Hetzler
Conference paperTrouble in School: Law, Policy and the Dynamics of Everyday Life at School
Antoinette Hetzler
(2014) Resultatdialog 2014 , p.78-87
Book chapterFrizoner i Sverige?
Antoinette Hetzler
(2012) Från utsatt till utmärkt område - bortom ekonomiska frizoner , p.111-129
Book chapterVälfärds framtid, strategisk anpassning och 'jobblös tillväxt'
Antoinette Hetzler
(2011) Välfärdsstatens framtid , p.33-47
Book chapterLabour Market activationn Policies for the Long-Term Ill - A Sick Idea?
Antoinette Hetzler
(2010) European Journal of Social Security, 11 p.369-402
Journal articleSweden - Cultural and Institutional Dimensions of Developing and Reforming Social Security Systems
Antoinette Hetzler
(2010) Conference Papers in Social Policy, Industrial Relations, Working Life and Mobility, 2010:1
Conference paperMeningslös byråkrati drabbar sjukskrivna
Antoinette Hetzler
(2009) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt) , p.4-4
Newspaper article"Psykisk hälsa och platsens betydelse - ett sociologs beträktelse"
Antoinette Hetzler
(2008) Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 85 p.121-129
Journal article"Women, Work and Welfare - An Analysis of Social Change in Sweden!
Antoinette Hetzler
(2008) International Journal of Sociology Special Edition. Changing Conceptions of Gender, 85 p.12-35
Journal articlePer Stjernquist
Antoinette Hetzler
(2008) Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, Band 33 p.511-511
Article in encyclopediaWelfare politics cross-examined: Eclecticist analytical perspectives on Sweden and the developed world, from the 1880s to the 2000s
Antoinette Hetzler
(2007) Contemporary Sociology, 36 p.268-269
ReviewLäkares sjukskrivningsbeteende, möjligheterna att rehabilitera tillbaka till arbete, och kvinnors överlevnadsstrategier när utslagning står för dörren
Antoinette Hetzler
Conference paperWelfare Politics Cross-Examined
Antoinette Hetzler
(2007) Contemporary Sociology, 36 p.267-268
Journal articleThe Aspect of Culture in the Social Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities: The Case of Sweden
Antoinette Hetzler
(2006) , Working Paper #34
Working paperPer Stjernquist Minnesord
Antoinette Hetzler
(2006) Årsberättelse. Builletin de la Société Royale des Lettres de Lund 2005-2006, 2005-2006 p.34-40
Book chapterSjuk-Sverige: Försäkringskassan, rehabilitering och utslagningen från arbetsmarknaden
Antoinette Hetzler, Daniel Melén, Daniel Bjerstedt
BookRehabilitering oftast bortkastade pengar
Antoinette Hetzler, Daniel Melén, Daniel Bjerstedt
(2004) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleRehabilitering av långtidssjuka
Antoinette Hetzler
(2004) Rehabilitering och välfärdspolitik , p.79-96
Book chapterFunctionshinder och rehabillitering
Rafael Lindqvist, Antoinette Hetzler
(2004) Rehabilitering och välfärdspolitik , p.13-47
Book chapterIndividen i en dubbel process
Antoinette Hetzler
(2004) Rehabillitering och välfärdspolitik , p.97-116
Book chapterRehabillitering och välfärdspolitik
(2004) Handikapp och samhälle
BookCare and Discretion: Welfare States Revisited
Antoinette Hetzler
(2003) International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, Volym 17 p.68-98
Journal articlePolisen i förändring: Intervjuer med de anställda och analys of deras arbetsmiljö
Antoinette Hetzler, Daniel Melén, Emma Torstensson
ReportBarriers to Rehabilitation outcome
Antoinette Hetzler
(2003) Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 1/2003
Journal articleVita lögner och Blå Dunster: Manipulationer i finansmarknadens gråzoner
Antoinette Hetzler
(2003) Förebyggande metoder mot ekobrott, BRÅ 2003:10
Book chapterUnderhållsstöd - familjepolitikens albatross?
Marcus Persson, Antoinette Hetzler
(2002) Socialförsäkringsstämman 2001 , p.99-110
Conference paperVar fjärde är man
Antoinette Hetzler, Marcus Persson
(2001) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper article
- Trouble in School
- Threats and Violence at School
- War at Work - Bullying in Swedish Schools