Pågående forskning och undervisning
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Realism, Mechanism, Effect, and Comparative Contentious Politics
Chares Demetriou
(2023) American Behavioral Scientist
Artikel i tidskriftRelational Arenas of Social Movement Activism
Chares Demetriou
(2022) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, 2nd Edition, David Snow, Donatella della Porta, and Doug McAdam, editors, Wiley-Blackwell
Artikel i uppslagsverkLegitimization of Social Movements
Chares Demetriou
(2022) The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of social and political movements
Artikel i uppslagsverkViolence and Social Movements
Chares Demetriou
(2022) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements
Artikel i uppslagsverkThe Radicalization of Social Movements
Chares Demetriou
(2020) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism , p.421-436
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDivide and rule Cyprus? Decolonisation as process
Chares Demetriou
(2019) Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 57 p.403-420
Artikel i tidskriftMaking sense of ‘Price Tag’ violence : changing contexts, shifting strategies, and expanding targets
Eitan Y. Alimi, Chares Demetriou
(2018) Social Movement Studies, 17 p.478-484
Artikel i tidskriftThe Relational Sociology of Charles Tilly
Chares Demetriou
(2018) The Palgrave Handbook of Relational Sociology , p.307-324
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNonviolent and Violent Trajectories in Social Movements
Chares Demetriou, Kurt Schock
(2018) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, 2nd Edition , p.338-353
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRelational Radicalization
Chares Demetriou, Eitan Y. Alimi
(2018) The Palgrave Handbook of Relational Sociology , p.559-578
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCyprus
Chares Demetriou
(2016) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism
Artikel i uppslagsverkPolitical Contention and the Reconstruction of Greek Identity in Cyprus, 1960-2003
Chares Demetriou
(2015) After Civil War : Division, Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Contemporary Europe , p.121-149
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Dynamics of Radicalization : A Relational and Comparative Perspective
Chares Demetriou, Eitan Y. Alimi, Lorenzo Bosi
BokSocial Movements and Political Violence
Chares Demetriou, Lorenzo Bosi
(2015) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Science, 2nd Edition
Artikel i uppslagsverkThe History of Historical-Comparative Methods
Chares Demetriou, Victor Roudometof
(2014) The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research , p.43-61
Del av eller Kapitel i bokA Contentious Politics Approach to the Explanation of Radicalization
Chares Demetriou, Lorenzo Bosi, Stefan Malthaner
(2014) Dynamics of Political Violence : A Process-Oriented Perspective on Radicalization and the Escalation of Political Conflict , p.1-1
Del av eller Kapitel i bokProcessual Comparative Sociology : Building on the Approach of Charles Tilly
Chares Demetriou
(2012) Sociological Theory, 30 p.51-65
Artikel i tidskriftRelational Dynamics and Processes of Radicalization : A Comparative Framework
Chares Demetriou, Eitan Y. Alimi, Lorenzo Bosi
(2012) Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 17 p.7-26
Artikel i tidskriftThe Realist Approach to Explanatory Mechanisms in Social Science: More than A Heuristic?
Chares Demetriou
(2009) Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 39 p.440-462
Artikel i tidskriftBig Structures, Social Boundaries, and Public Identity in Cyprus, 1400- 1700
Chares Demetriou
(2008) American Behavioral Scientist, 51 p.1477-1497
Artikel i tidskriftPolitical Violence and Legitimation: The Episode of Colonial Cyprus
Chares Demetriou
(2007) Qualitative Sociology, 30 p.171-193
Artikel i tidskriftFrom Theodicy to Ressentiment: Trauma and the Ages of Compensation
Chares Demetriou, Jeffrey Olick
(2006) Memory, Trauma, and World Politics : Reflections on the Relationship between Past and Present , p.74-95
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