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Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
The Loneliest Nation in Europe? : Ireland as a Case Study, and Implications for Policy
Joanna McHugh Power, Christopher Swader
RapportSocial Infrastructure and the Alleviation of Loneliness in Europe
Christopher Swader, Andreea-Valentina Moraru
(2023) Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Artikel i tidskriftPost-socialist moral economies of consumption as socially embedded sites of moral tension
Christopher Swader, Sandy Ross
(2019) Journal of Consumer Culture
Artikel i tidskriftLoneliness in Europe: Personal and Societal Individualism-Collectivism and Their Connection to Social Isolation
Christopher Swader
(2019) Social Forces, 97 p.1307-1336
Artikel i tidskriftModernization, formal social control, and anomie: A 45-society multilevel analysis
Christopher Swader
(2017) International Journal of Comparative Sociology , p.494-514
Artikel i tidskriftFraudulent Values. Materialistic Bosses and the Support for Bribery and Tax Evasion
Christopher Swader
(2016) Neoliberalism and the Moral Economy of Fraud , p.214-228
Del av eller Kapitel i bokReceiving Gifts for Sex in Moscow, Kyiv, and Minsk: A Compensated Dating Survey
Christopher Swader, Irina D. Vorobeva
(2015) Sexuality & Culture
Artikel i tidskriftPost-Soviet Intimacies: An Introduction
Christopher Swader, Vaida Obelene
(2015) Sexuality & Culture, 19 p.245-255
Artikel i tidskriftThe Capitalist Personality: Face-to-Face Sociality and Economic Change in the Post-Communist World
Christopher Swader
(2013) Routledge Advances in Sociology
BokLove as a Fictitious Commodity: Gift-for-Sex Barters as Contractual Carriers of Intimacy
Christopher Swader, Olga Strelkova, Alyona Sutormina, Victoria Syomina, Volha Vysotskaya, et al.
(2013) Sexuality & Culture, 17 p.598-616
Artikel i tidskriftLinking Normlessness and Value Change in the Post-Communist World
Christopher Swader
(2011) Studia Sociologia, 56 p.63-94
Artikel i tidskriftOn Family, Work, Money, and Morals: Intergenerational Value Differences in China
Christopher Swader, Hao Yuan
(2010) Chinese Journal of Sociology, 30 p.118-142
Artikel i tidskriftInequality, Markets, and the Life Course
Christopher Swader
(2009) The Life Course Reader
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIntimate Social Values and Economic Transformation: An Interpretation of Qualitative Interviews from Russia, China, and Eastern Germany
Christopher Swader
(2009) Intimate Explorations: Readings Across Disciplines
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGeneral Introduction
Walter R. Heinz, Johannes Huinink, Ansgar Weymann, Christopher Swader
(2009) The Life Course Reader
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAdaptation as ‘Selling out’? Capitalism and the Commodification of Values in Post- Communist Russia and Eastern Germany
Christopher Swader
(2009) Journal of International Relations and Development, 12 p.387-395
Artikel i tidskriftTransformation to a Market Economy and Changing Social Values in China, Russia, and Eastern Germany
Christopher Swader
DoktorsavhandlingThe Lost Years: Assessing Family Change in St. Petersburg, Russia, between 1983 and 2003
Christopher Swader
(2007) Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 38 p.317-336
Artikel i tidskrift