Forsknings- och undervisningsområden:
- Organisations- och arbetssociologi
Pågående forskning och undervisning
Han undervisar huvudsakligen i organisations- och arbetssociologi, men också personalvetenskap, kultursociologi och utvecklingsstadier. Han har bedrivit forskning om stadsutveckling i södra Afrika, jämställdhet i IT-branschen; filmproduktion, karriärutveckling, arbetskvalitet och kulturpolitik.
Från april 2015 till mars 2018 koordinerar han QuInnE (Quality of Jobs and Innovation Generated Employment Outcomes) ett Horisont 2020 finansierat projekt (€2.5m) om innovation, arbetskvalitet och sysselsättning med 9 partneruniversitet i sju EU länder. Mer information finns på Quinnes webbplats.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Negotiating about Algorithms: Social Partner Responses to AI in Denmark and Sweden
Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larsen, Christopher Mathieu, Bertil Rolandsson
(2024) ILR Review, 77 p.856-868
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction : New Perspectives and Interventions: The State of play in Cultural Sociology and the Sociology of the Arts
Svetlana Hristova, Simon Stewart, Chris Mathieu
(2024) Sociological Problems, 56 p.4-9
Artikel i tidskriftDoing sociology in times of growing uncertainties
Svetlana Hristova, Simon Stewart, David Inglis, Chris Mathieu
(2024) Sociological Problems, 56 p.165-185
Artikel i tidskriftValue capture and embeddedness in social-purpose-driven ecosystems. A multiple-case study of European digital healthcare platforms
Asta Pundziene, Neringa Gerulaitiene, Sea Matilda Bez, Irène Georgescu, Christopher Mathieu, et al.
(2023) Technovation, 124
Artikel i tidskriftDigital Healthcare Platforms Enabling Remote Care Value Creation : The Patient Perspective
Nina Helander, Asta Pundziene, Rima Sermontyte-Baniule, Jordi Carrabina, Christopher Mathieu, et al.
(2023) 2023 IEEE International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship, ICTE 2023 , p.38-43
KonferensbidragAccomplishing Cultural Policy in Europe: Financing, Governance and Responsiveness
(2022) Sociology and Management of the Arts
BokAccomplishing Cultural Policy in Europe: connections and illustrations
Chris Mathieu, Valerie Visanich
(2022) Sociology and Management of the Arts , p.1-16
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe dynamics and (job) qualities of sustainable work
Chris Mathieu, Susanne Boethius
(2022) Labour, Education and Society , p.155-176
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Cornerstone of Job Quality: Occupational Safety and Health
Maria Albin, Chris Mathieu, Esa-Pekka Takala, Töres Theorell
(2022) The Oxford Handbook of Job Quality
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Oxford Handbook of Job Quality
BokJob Quality Matters
Chris Warhurst, Chris Mathieu, Rachel Dwyer
(2022) Oxford Handbook of Job Quality , p.1-19
Del av eller Kapitel i bokJob Quality: A Family Affair?
Chris Warhurst, Sally Wright, Chris Mathieu
(2022) Oxford Handbook of Job Quality , p.63-83
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDisability and Arts Education. From Unequal Participation to Opportunities for Innovation
Gokhan Kaya, Christopher Mathieu, Marie Sépulchre
(2022) Scuola Democratica , p.261-278
Artikel i tidskriftDifferent approaches to selection of surgical trainees in the European Union
Kristine Hagelsteen, Hanne Pedersen, Anders Bergenfelz, Chris Mathieu
(2021) BMC Medical Education, 21
Artikel i tidskriftCovid Arts – The State and the Arts in Sweden During the Initial Phase of the Covid-19 Crisis – Less Visible Losses in the Shadow of Lost Lives and Livelihoods
Christopher Mathieu
(2021) The European Sociologist, 46
Artikel i tidskriftThe generative relationship between job quality, innovation, and employment
Christopher Mathieu, Susanne Boethius
(2021) European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 6 p.163-186
Artikel i tidskriftEuropean approaches to sustainable work : introductory remarks
Christopher Mathieu, Maria Albin, Kenneth Abrahamsson, Elisabeth Lagerlöf
(2021) European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 6 p.3-7
Artikel i tidskriftVorsprung durch Technik: The Future of Work, Digital Technology, and the Platform Economy
Christopher Mathieu, Chris Warhurst, Sally Wright
(2021) The Many Futures of Work : Rethinking Expectations and Breaking Molds
Del av eller Kapitel i bokInnovations on a shoestring: Consequences for job quality of public service innovations in health and social care
Christopher Mathieu, Sally Wright, Susanne Boethius, Anne Green
(2020) European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 5 p.4-30
Artikel i tidskriftKultur och välbefinnande hos skolungdomar i Skåne : en fördjupad analys av Folkhälsoenkät Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 samt förslag på utformning av framtida enkät
Gökhan Kaya, Christopher Mathieu
RapportIdentification of Warning Signs During Selection of Surgical Trainees
Kristine Hagelsteen, Britt Marie Johansson, Anders Bergenfelz, Chris Mathieu
(2019) Journal of Surgical Education, 76 p.684-693
Artikel i tidskriftInnovation, Job Quality and Employment in Hospitals in Spain and Sweden
Christopher Mathieu, Susanne Boethius, Fuensanta Martin
(2017) Virtuous circles between innovations, job quality and employment in Europe? : Case study evidence from the manufacturing sector, private and public service sector , p.387-431
RapportEn fördjupad inblick i kulturanvändningens mönster i Skånes fyra delregioner
Christopher Mathieu, Gokhan Kaya
RapportInnovation and Job Quality in the Games Industry in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK
Christopher Mathieu, Filip Rehnström, Chris Warhurst, Sally Wright, Maarten Keune, et al.
(2017) Virtuous circles between innovations, job quality and employment in Europe? : Case study evidence from the manufacturing sector, private and public service sector , p.231-278
RapportWorkplace Innovation and the Quality of Working Life in an Age of Uberisation
Christopher Mathieu, Chris Warhurst, Sally Wright
(2017) Workplace Innovation : Theory, Research Practice , p.245-259
Del av eller Kapitel i bokJakość pracy jako dźwignia innowacji organizacyjnych oraz rola zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi
Christopher Mathieu, Sally Wright, Chris Warhurst
(2016) Innowacje w miejscu pracy. , p.51-74
Del av eller Kapitel i bokBureaucracies and Judgmental Autonomy: Film Consultants in a Public Film Institute
Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen, Darmer Per, Christopher Mathieu
(2013) Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift, 4 p.68-89
Artikel i tidskriftEn förstudie om behovet av en strategi för det regionala filmområdet i Skåne
Christopher Mathieu
RapportEvaluation in film festival prize juries
Christopher Mathieu
(2013) Exploring Creativity: Evaluation practices in innovation, design and the arts , p.211-234
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe ‘cultural’ of production and career
Christopher Mathieu
(2013) Behind the Screen: Inside European Production Cultures , p.45-60
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCareers in Creative Industries
BokCentral Collaborative Relationships in Career-Making
Christopher Mathieu, Iben Stjerne
(2012) Careers in Creative Industries , p.128-147
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCareers in Creative Industries: an analytic overview
Christopher Mathieu
(2012) Careers in Creative Industries , p.3-35
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Moral Life of the Party : Moral Argumentation and the Creation of Meaning in the Europe Policy Debates of the Christian and Left-Socialist Parties in Denmark and Sweden 1990-1996
Christopher Mathieu
(1999) Lund Dissertations in Sociology
Chris Mathieu är docent i organisations- och arbetssociologi.