Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Negotiating about Algorithms: Social Partner Responses to AI in Denmark and Sweden
Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larsen, Christopher Mathieu, Bertil Rolandsson
(2024) ILR Review, 77 p.856-868
Artikel i tidskriftDigital disruption diversified : FinTechs and the emergence of a coopetitive market ecosystem
Bengt Larsson, Bertil Rolandsson, Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larsen, Alex Lehr, et al.
(2024) Socio-Economic Review, 22 p.655-675
Artikel i tidskriftTrust and stakeholder perspectives on the implementation of AI tools in clinical radiology
Magnus Bergquist, Bertil Rolandsson, Emilia Gryska, Mats Laesser, Nickoleta Hoefling, et al.
(2024) European Radiology, 34 p.338-347
Artikel i tidskriftSocial Dialogue in Times of Crises. : Introduction to the Special Issue
Bertil Rolandsson, Anna Ilsøe
(2023) Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 13 p.1-5
Artikel i tidskriftResponsive professionalism in post-NPM reforms: the case of the Swedish police
Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Culture and Organization, 28 p.97-114
Artikel i tidskriftThe sensitive nature of facial recognition : Tensions between the Swedish police and regulatory authorities
Marie Eneman, Jan Ljungberg, Elena Raviola, Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Information Polity, 27 p.219-232
Artikel i tidskriftExploring ADM in Clinical Decision-Making - Healthcare experts encountering digital automation
Magnus Bergquist, Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Everyday Automation - Experiencing and Anticipating Emerging Technologies
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSwedish police reform and the emergence of new police subjectivities
Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Transforming Subjectivities : Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe digital transformation of financial services and labour relations in the FinTech sector - Summary report
Bertil Rolandsson, Bengt Larsson
RapportEtt digitalt arbetsliv - fyra perspektiv
Bertil Rolandsson
(2022) Den sköna nya värld - Arbetsliv och arbetsmarknad i digitaliseringens tid
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe digital transformation of financial services markets and industrial relations : Exploring FinTech development in Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands and Sweden
(2022) Working papers – Department of Sociology and Work Science, 2022
KonferensbidragOlder adults' provision of informal care and support to their peers : A cornerstone of swedish society: Demographic characteristics and experiences of social isolation
Elin Siira, Patricia Olaya-Contreras, Signe Yndigegn, Helle Wijk, Bertil Rolandsson, et al.
(2022) Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Artikel i tidskrift