Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Should end-users take their clothes off inside on a cold winter's day? Sustainability pressures on district heating professionals in Denmark
K. Johansen, P. J. Upham
(2025) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 207
Artikel i tidskriftShould end-users take their clothes off inside on a cold winters’ day? Actor perceptions of sociotechnical change processes and regime stress: The case of district heating in Denmark
Katinka Johansen
(2023) Frontiers in Psychology , p.1-17
Artikel i tidskriftA Brief History of District Heating and Combined Heat and Power in Denmark : Promoting Energy Efficiency, Fuel Diversification, and Energy Flexibility
Katinka Johansen
(2022) Energies, 15
Artikel i tidskriftCOMBINED HEAT & POWER – heat infrastructure planning in Denmark
Katinka Johansen
(2022) HOT/COOL International Magazine on District Heating and Cooling, 3 p.16-19
Artikel i tidskriftA niche technique overlooked in the Danish district heating sector? Exploring socio-technical perspectives of short-term thermal energy storage for building energy flexibility
Katinka Johansen, Hicham Johra
(2022) Energy, 256
Artikel i tidskriftSomething is sustainable in the state of Denmark : A review of the Danish district heating sector
Katinka Johansen, Sven Werner
(2022) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 158
Artikel i tidskriftCombined heat & power : Heat infrastructure planning in Denmark [History]
Katinka Johansen
(2021) IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 19 p.97-107
Artikel i tidskriftWind Energy in Denmark : A Short History [History]
Katinka Johansen
(2021) IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 19 p.94-102
Artikel i tidskriftBlowing in the wind : A brief history of wind energy and wind power technologies in Denmark
Katinka Johansen
(2021) Energy Policy, 152
Artikel i tidskriftA cognitive mess : Mixed feelings about wind farms on the Danish coast and the emotions of energy infrastructure opposition
Katinka Johansen, Paul Upham
(2020) Energy Research and Social Science, 66
Artikel i tidskriftBeboernes betydning for den realiserede varmebesparelse ved renovering af boliger
Katinka Johansen, Kirsten Gram-Hanssen, Jesper Ole Jensen, Anders Rhiger Hansen, Gianluca Trotta
RapportLocal support for renewable energy technologies? : Attitudes towards near-shore wind farms among second home owners and permanent area residents on the Danish coast
Katinka Johansen
(2019) Energy Policy, 132 p.691-701
Artikel i tidskriftThe post-normal politics and science of wind power planning : Evidence from a Danish near-shore wind farm tender
Katinka Johansen, Paul Upham
(2019) Energy Research & Social Science, 53 p.182-193
Artikel i tidskriftEnergy transitions and social psychology : A sociotechnical perspective
Katinka Johansen, Paul Upham, Paula Bögel
BokUsing residential buildings to manage flexibility in the district heating network : Perspectives and future visions from sector professionals
Katinka Johansen, P. V. K. Andersen, S. Georg, K. Gram-Hanssen, P. K. Heiselberg, et al.
(2019) IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 352 p.1-9
Artikel i tidskriftHarnessing place attachment for local climate mitigation? : Hypothesising connections between broadening representations of place and readiness for change
Katinka Johansen, Paul Upham, Paula Maria Bögel, Stephen Axon, Jennifer Garard, et al.
(2018) Local Environment, 23 p.912-919
Artikel i tidskriftWind farm acceptance for sale? : Evidence from the Danish wind farm co-ownership scheme
Katinka Johansen, Jens Emborg
(2018) Energy Policy, 117 p.413-422
Artikel i tidskrift