The 1999 Swedish ban on sex-purchase has been hotly debated in politics, the media, and academia. My thesis "Sweden's Ban on Sex-Purchase: Morality politics and the governance of prostitution" focuses on the attention the ban has received as an unprecedented approach to governing prostitution, the highly polarised political environment in which it exists, and the multiple political-legal contradictions it displays. Using material gathered through a multisited method from 2009 through 2019, I show that the offence is a variant of traditional anti-prostitution laws and argue that its distinctive and puzzling features are comprehensible within the framework of morality politics.
The thesis refines the concept of morality politics, offering new insights into how issues like prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, and drug use are perceived, discussed, and governed in liberal democracies. I suggests these are "consensual crimes" rooted in religious notions of sin and seen as risks to social order. These issues are typically addressed by repressive, restrictive, or integrative policy models that seek either to reform those engaged in marginalised practices or to grant them civil rights. The study demonstrates that Sweden’s ambivalent civic and legal stance toward sex workers reflects an exclusionary logic, linking it to the historically subordinate status of women’s labour and state punishment of "sinners".
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Sweden's Ban on Sex-Purchase : Morality politics and the governance of prostitution
Petra Östergren
DoktorsavhandlingVem avgör? : Om ansvar och brottsförebyggande åtgärder när sexköp är olagligt
Isabelle Johansson, Petra Östergren
(2021) Sex mot ersättning : Säljare, köpare, makt och moral , p.169-194
Del av eller Kapitel i bokFrom zero tolerance to full integration : Rethinking prostitution policies
Petra Östergren
(2020) The SAGE handbook of global sexualities , p.569-599
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSweden
Petra Östergren
(2018) Assessing prostitution policies in Europe , p.169-184
Del av eller Kapitel i bokFrom zero tolerance to full integration : Rethinking prostitution policies. Working paper 10.
Petra Östergren
Working paperVad göra med prostitutionen?
Petra Östergren
(2012) Legalisera knark? Om prostitution, kriminalitet och narkotika
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSexköp, mer än bara sex
Petra Östergren
(2012) Privat på jobbet. Diskussioner om etik, lag och normer kring sexköp och porrkonsumtion , p.85-99
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLey sueca sobre la compra de sexo: presunto éxitos y resultados deomstrables
Petra Östergren, Susanne Dodillet
(2012) Prostitution: hacia la legalización , p.113-145
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Swedish Sex Purchase Act: Claimed Success and Documented Effect
Petra Östergren, Susanne Dodillet
KonferensbidragVår tids Call-girls. Universitetsvärlden – rädslans kultur, utpressning, konflikter och prestige.
Petra Östergren
(2010) Voltaire
Artikel i tidskriftF-ordet. Mot en ny feminsm.
BokKvoteringar i jämställdhetens namn
Petra Östergren
(2006) Samtida feminism , p.45-54
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