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Porträtt på Lisa Flower. Foto: Emma Lord.

Lisa Flower

Docent | Biträdande universitetslektor

Porträtt på Lisa Flower. Foto: Emma Lord.

Live blogging criminal trials: An exploration the impact on Danish and Swedish legal professionals


  • Lisa Flower

Summary, in English

Live blogging from legal trials has become one of the most accessi-ble ways in which the public can gain direct insight into legal proceedings. Whilst live blogging constitutes an important way of ensuring open justice – a key component of many democratic societies – how this immediate and detailed surveillance impacts on the legal professionals being depicted is currently unknown.
By drawing on interviews with legal professionals, this article asks how live blogs impact on the legal professionals represented as well as how they interact with and incorporate live blogs into their work life practices. The article finds that live blogs have quickly become a normalized aspect of legal professionals’ courtroom work in Den-mark and Sweden, however live blogs’ impact on their work life remains ambiguous and contentious.


  • Sociologiska institutionen








Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Sociology

Conference name

Stockholm Criminology Symposium, 2021

Conference date

2021-06-15 - 2021-06-16

Conference place

Stockholm, Sweden

